Monday September 23, 2024

Rallies express solidarity with Myanmar Muslims

By our correspondents
September 23, 2017

LAHORE :Various religious parties staged rallies and demonstrations across the country on Friday on the appeal of Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Senator Sirajul Haq to express solidarity with the oppressed Rohingya Muslims facing a fierce genocide by the Budhhist terrorists and Myanmar army.

The rallies demanded immediate expulsion of the Myanmar envoy from Paksitan and severing all ties with the Buddhist country.

Delivering Friday congregation at Mansoora masjid, Senator Sirajul Haq expressed sorrow that Pakistani government had not taken any practical step in line with the nation’s aspirations on the issue of Rohingya Muslims' genocide. It was unfortunate, he said, that Muslim rulers were not raising their voice in support of the oppressed Muslims for the fear of the world powers.

Had there been any bold Muslim rulers imbued with self-respect and sense of dignity, the bloodletting of the Muslims of Kashmir, Burma and Palestine would not have been possible, the JI chief said.

He said no Muslim ruler except Turkish President Erdogan had expressed solidarity with the Rohingya Muslims nor had any other ruler visited the Rohingya camps to offer his support to them. Sirajul Haq urged Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to promptly visit the Rohingya refugees camps, sever all ties with Myanmar and also mobilise other Muslim states for complete boycott of Myanmar. He said all Muslim states should sever all ties with Myanmar till its government agreed to give all rights to the Rohingya Muslims, and such assurance was given by the United Nations. He said that the Muslim world should demand an independent Muslim state for the Myanmar Muslims to permanently resolve the issue.

Speaking on the start of new year of Islamic calendar, Sirajul Haq said the month of Muharam gives the message of struggle and sacrifice and for standing firm against the forces of evil. He said Imam Husain (RA) and his entire family sacrificed their lives at karbala and gave the eternal message to humanity that it was better to embrace martyrdom instead of yielding to the forces of evil.

Sirajul Haq said the JI considered government as a means for the enforcement of the Islamic system. He said that a believer could not tolerate the supremacy of the evil.  

JI Naib Ameer Hafiz Muhammad Idrees, while addressing a big rally outside Mansoora on Multan Road after Friday prayers, said that the violence against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar was unprecedented and said that the Muslim rulers would have to wake up to stop the genocide of the Burmese Muslims. JI Information Secretary Amirul Azeem said that the world conscience and the United Nations had proved to be deaf, dumb and blind to the bloodshed of the Muslims in Myanmar.