sentence will be handed down? After all, we are a nation that acquits gang rapists, not hangs them. And then there’s Shoaib, the 17-year-old who raped and murdered a six-year-old child in Lahore recently. Fortunately, he’s dead, shot whilst attempting to escape police custody.
This piece isn’t about rape either.
For the past few weeks, I have been trying to dissect the National Action Programme (NAP). We have deconstructed the madressahs, the shadow economy that operates in the country, and our consistent use of non-state actors as a state tool. Is there any mention of abettors and sympathisers of terrorists? Perhaps. I didn’t see anything in the version that came to me. But naturally, the government must be aware that to successfully counter terrorism and extremism in the country, it will need to clamp down on both the sympathisers and the abettors. Hold on to this thought.
Let me take you back to a recent court hearing for Mumtaz Qadri, the garlanded and adored murderer of Salmaan Taseer.
As reported in the newspaper, a senior office bearer of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) bar association said that ‘the prosecutor in this case will get a US visa for sure especially if he succeeds in getting Qadri’s appeal will become difficult for the prosecutor to live in the country after this case’.
Another lawyer is on record saying that ‘He (Qadri) is approaching the court for the legal route. Otherwise look what happened in Bannu. People broke into the jail to free the inmates’.
Does this need to be dissected? Sure doesn’t look like threats to me. And incitement to violence. And perhaps jail breaking as well.
These are people within our judiciary. These are the ones who will perhaps be tasked with trying terrorists, hatemongers and the like. Is there anything left to say?
Apparently there is. One of the lawyers for Mumtaz Qadri is also on record hailing the Charlie Hedbo attackers as heroes. But so is ANP MNA Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour. He’s even offered a bounty for the owner of Charlie Hedbo. Presumably, he doesn’t want to dine with him.
Pakistan’s biggest problem apparently is terrorism. But terrorism is only the manifestation of a much greater ill. Extremism is described as: ‘beliefs, attitudes, feelings, actions and strategies of a character far removed from the ordinary’. And terrorism is the manifestation of this. But in Pakistan extremism is the ordinary. Look around you; that’s who we are. In our thoughts and actions, in our arguments, debates and beliefs, we take improbable, un-defendable positions and refuse to budge. That is Pakistan today.
How do you get into the minds of a 200 million strong society and work on this? Is it even possible? How long will it take?
I could very easily say: sorry, but that’s impossible. And in my heart of hearts I do believe that it is, under the current circumstances, impossible. But then that wouldn’t be fair. There has to be some light at the end of the tunnel.
There is. In fact there are two headlights – of a bullet train, which is shortly going to hurl into our collective existence.
Twitter: @aasimzkhan
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