Monday March 31, 2025

We need dams

By our correspondents
August 14, 2017

Our political leaders frequently express their views that hydel power is cheaper than any other form of power generation. However, they never agree to construct a dam that could help harness this cheap source of energy. Apart from the Mangla and Tarbela dams, no other dam was constructed in the country.

According to the UN, Pakistan is at a high risk of facing serious water shortages in near future, but our leaders seem indifferent to this grave threat. They seem more interested in petty personal gains and their popularity than country’s survival. Some projects which were started to construct dams in the country are still incomplete because of differences among rulers, Every drop of rainwater that falls in the sea and deprive the already water-starved country of rainwater makes citizens sad and disappointed. It appears that our leaders are not concerned about the people of Pakistan or the country itself. All they can think of is getting their hands on power for personal gains with no concern for the country, its economy and the people.

Raja Shafaatullah (Islamabad)