Wednesday March 26, 2025

Mayhem and mistrust

By our correspondents
March 06, 2017

This refers to the article, ‘How to aid a terrorist’ (March 02) by Kamila Hyat. The writer raises an important issue: when TV channels fail to provide accurate information to people, confusion and panic grips the nation. This causes fear and insecurity which assists terrorists. In an age where tabs on the social media are nearly impossible to keep and any ‘informative’ piece becomes newsworthy, TV channels and print media serve as the gatekeepers of information in some way. However, when this role is abused or misused, the people have absolutely nothing to rely on.

This matter is significant not solely from the point of view of maintaining some semblance of order and avoiding mayhem in the community, but also from the point of view of shaping narratives in a society. When only one channel or one print media form becomes the gatekeeper of news, monopolisation of that arena is easy. In that way, only one kind of narrative becomes predominant. Now that there are more channels, it is easier to not fall prey to a single voice. But when TV channels fail to realise this vast responsibility that lies with them, they create mistrust in people and instead of the formation of multiple narratives, none exist.

Kashif Tajwar
