Wednesday March 26, 2025

Drawing inspiration from Holy Prophet

By Zafar Alam Sarwar
December 18, 2016

City elders ask the common man to look back to the past and draw inspiration from Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for solution to his family's socio-economic, educational and health and cultural problems.

"Rallies and lightings to highlight the importance of 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal alone won't help us achieve the object for which thousands had sacrificed lives during struggle for Pakistan."

Emphasis is on the need for faith, unity and discipline and studying the life of the Holy Prophet who established the world's first welfare state, who saved the oppressed humanity, whose motto was justice and equality, who advocated simplicity and sincerity, truthfulness and honesty, and who devoted his life for the good of the masses.  The 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal is the day to revive the spirit of Islam, which stands for world peace and security of mankind. The fact is that the Holy Prophet remains the greatest reformer of the world.

There was no religion before Islam to do anything for amelioration of women and enhance the dignity of labour. Women were looked upon with contempt and treated as chattels in society.  Nowhere in the world did they get the treatment they were entitled to as men's partners in life. It was Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who did all that was possible to raise the status of women.

Among the reforms initiated by the Holy Prophet the removal of social inequality was very important and far-reaching in consequences. He could not find any reason for any distinction between man and man on account of mere accident of birth in a particular family or particular country.

"All human beings," he declared, "are equal and the highest rank is his who is the most obedient to Allah and most useful to mankind." He thus established a world-wide brotherhood, which welded high and low, rich and poor, white and black into one fraternity.

Islam exhorts piety, honesty and righteous character, simplicity, frugality.

The founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was inspired by such deeds of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has rightly urged ulema to play their role selflessly in making Islamic Republic of Pakistan a true modern welfare state.

A simple question: Why not work together to weed out poverty, environmental degradation, killings, adulteration, adultery, sectarianism, terrorism, abuse of women, and other crimes that bedevil our country?