Friday March 28, 2025

Happy New Year

A very Happy New Year to our readers! May peace and prosperity be hallmarks of the year throughout the world, especially in those countries which have suffered conflicts and disaster. Life has to go on, so while our hearts go out to those who have been affected by terrorism and

By our correspondents
January 01, 2015
A very Happy New Year to our readers! May peace and prosperity be hallmarks of the year throughout the world, especially in those countries which have suffered conflicts and disaster. Life has to go on, so while our hearts go out to those who have been affected by terrorism and other disasters -- may God give them strength -- let us look forward to a better tomorrow. Here’s a beautiful thought to live by – ‘One day at a time -- this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.’
As we begin a new year, there are things each of us can do personally to make the world a better place. Get off to a fresh start by saying adios to negativity and anyone who has shown they're not worthy of your attention or friendship! Although it’s difficult these days, try to think positive and remember when things look bleak, that what goes down must come up -- if not sooner than later. ‘Unity, Faith and Discipline’ should be the rallying cry of those who want a better, safer and prosperous Pakistan -- unity to face the forces of evil; faith in ourselves and discipline to carry out our agenda of making the country a beautiful place to live in just as it used to be some years ago.
We need to forget the past and start anew, hence a ‘New Year’ for a new beginning. While it is considered a Christian festival by some people, it is actually a day of universal celebration and has nothing to do with religion -- even the calendar we follow is not ‘Christian’ as many people believe! January 1 was picked by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar when he established his own calendar in 46 BC. The Roman Senate did try to make January 1 New Year's Day in 153 BC but it wasn't until Caesar stretched out 47 BC for 445 days that the date we're familiar with was synchronised with the sun!
And I hope you did not forget to make New

Year's resolutions, a tradition that has been inherited from our ancestors. Nearly everyone should make a resolution -- improve one’s character; be a better individual; be charitable and help others and so on -- the list is endless. If you not into such things, an easy New Year’s resolution if you want to give it a try is how about if each of us makes an effort to smile more; be more friendly -- in fact just be happy and spread good cheer all around!
Anyway, how long such resolutions last is anybody’s guess but at least the intention is good, or should be! So once again very Happy New Year to you and yours!
Ishrat Hyatt