Monday March 31, 2025

Succession of democracy

August 03, 2016

Head of PPP Media Cell

US Ambassador to Pakistan David Hale in his recent TV interview to a local TV confidently upheld US support for the succession of democracy in Pakistan. It implied that his country had generally discarded the policy of supporting the tyrant rulers. The ambassador’s assertion would be welcomed by the people of Pakistan. Such a paradigm shift in the policy may be forced by the principle of diminishing return as being counter-productive in the final analysis. It was indeed satisfying when he added that he was impressed to see the robust politics in the country totally focused to the accomplishment of democratisation of the country on sustainable basis.

Pakistan is the best case meriting the support of the free world in general and of the US in particular because overwhelming majority of the populace here is in favour of representative political system. Recent credible surveys conducted revealed the heavy tilt of the people towards democracy which indeed is amazing and enabling development. US policy of supporting democracy in Pakistan makes sense because of its compatibility with the aspirations of the people.

US administration’s support for the political system will meaningfully facilitate the strengthening of democratic institutions in the country. It’s salutary and most important feature will be in form of keeping the potential usurpers at bay. They will not dare to contemplate the misadventure in the face of US opposition. For, dictators in the country took the reign of power in the past, according to defence/political analysts, only after the tacit approval of the Superpower. For, in the absence of such signal they could not have dared of taking plunge into the murky water as the longevity of their rule solely depended on the US political, military and economic support after the post-coup d’etat. Autocrats willingly assumed the role of henchmen of the US as a quid pro quo. They all tried to prove worthy of such a status till they became liability and were conveniently buried without singing requiem.

US genuine tilt towards democracy the world over came too late when lot of water had already flown down the bridges. Better late than never. The US should have not emboldened the dictators in the distant past to take the control at gun point. Ironically, the then US policy planners’ impetuousness was favourably inclined to deal with one man(one window operation) than the hordes of people of representative government where the decision making process was inherently slow and the foreign policy objectives of the US could ill-afford such procrastination during the cold war. The US policy was obviously swayed by its own strategic compulsions regretfully at the altar of the aspirations of the people and the vital interests of the so-called surrogate states. With the passage of time this policy of the US became unpopular for being anti-people. It resultantly fueled anti-Americanism in the Muslim world in particular to a startling proportion hurting the superpower vital interests in the region as well.

People in Pakistan while were grateful to the US for the generous economic assistance given by the US during country’s history, but vehemently rejected its covert and overt support to the dictators. The country today was known for the wrong reasons right across the world simply due to the terrible legacies of the autocrats. They halted the process of national cohesion and integration when they abrogated or suspended the constitutions enacted by the elected representatives of the people. The scourge of terrorism, extremism, drug and Kalashnikov culture all were their hurtful legacies. General Ziaul Haq supported the religious sect at the expense of others and thus bitterly damaged the sectarian harmony which was exemplary in the country. 

Notwithstanding, the democratic forces in Pakistan continued their struggle in the face of the ruthless dictatorships. The movement for democracy could not be suppressed despite their witch hunting. Democratic forces spearheaded by the PPP founding father Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Shaheed Benazir Bhutto kept the flag of democracy flying high even in the face of the ferocious dictatorships. Their struggle continued unabatedly and was paid off as they succeeded in restoring democracy and empowering the people to a certain extent. People of the country had been enjoying the dividends of democracy with intermittent since then. Now, they are well poised to lead their individual and collectives under the political system of their choice on durable basis. The struggle is on under the leadership of Chairman Bilawal Bhutto. The PPP movement will continue till the mission of its founding father of empowering the people of Pakistan was not accomplished. The mission of making the people of Pakistan -- farmers, labour, women, minorities and other less privileged segments of the society -- as the ultimate stakeholders of the country.

The great Bhuttos were silenced by the autocrats because as people’s leaders they had massive popular support and hence were perceived as formidable threat to tyrants. Their physical presence in the political arena was deemed as the danger to their rule and its consolidation. But during their life time, the great Bhuttos launched arduous struggle for the emancipation of the people who were subjected to worst type of suppression and persecution. They defied the dictators for the sake of the poor masses.

The fragile democracy today in the country largely owed to their ultimate sacrifices. Chairman Bilawal Bhutto during recent election trail in AJK made abundantly clear that taking over of the country through unconstitutional means would not only be opposed but also resisted to the scale the country had not seen yet. People took sigh of relief over his unflinching stand for democracy.

Unfortunately, the US policy during those times encouraged the dictators to trample upon the fundamental rights of the people with impunity. The criticism of the US on such human rights violations at that time was clearly to the proximity of playing to the gallery. US government was in a position to stop them indulging in the infringement of the fundamental rights as dictators were on its tight leash. General Musharraf shed his army uniform only when President Bush made it clear telephonically to the General that he had to shed his army uniform. He complied with without hesitation. The US requisite seriousness accrued the desired results.

A democratic Pakistan right from the beginning would have been the Quaid’s dream come true. In that scenario, the country would have progressed on the trajectory of development, stability, prosperity and peace and security -- at ease with itself and the world at large. The regional confrontation among the neighbours would have been addressed through diplomatic channels.

The opening of negotiations between Afghanistan and Pakistan’s top leadership, Sardar Daud and Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, during seventies were directed to settle the long standing issues between the two countries. It was a great beginning. Relations with Iran were exemplary. With India, the relations remained tense but the democratic governments at that time were quite capable of finding out the common ground to settle all outstanding issues through negotiations. It may be pertinent to mention here that all wars with India were fought during the watch of dictatorships and Pakistan suffered irreparable losses as a result including the dismemberment of the country. No war was fought during the civilian rules in Pakistan, and not an inch of country’s territory was lost as a result.

The US should have treated Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto as the long term friend indeed. This thinking on the part of US policy planners could have succeeded in saving the life of the most popular and charismatic leader of Pakistan who was murdered by General Ziaul Haq through the then pliant judiciary. The elimination of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was a great loss to the Pakistani nation and the world alike. Muslim world lost the leader who had a vision to unite it as a powerful block contributing to the peace, progress and security of the world as a respectful partner. That was not liked by the then US administration and as such decided not to twist the arm of the General to spare the life of Mr. Bhutto. The poor judgment resulted in cascade of painful aftermaths for the Pakistani nation. The bitter memories are still source of anguish and grief.

It is time for both the nations to look forward. Thank you very much indeed HE, the US ambassador, for extending your country’s support to the succession of democracy in Pakistan. Its evenhandedness with the aspirations of the people of Pakistan will be definitely acknowledged by them with gratitude. People of Pakistan want close relationship with the United Sates for many reasons, like a sizeable number of Pakistanis have been doing commendable job in health, education, and scientific research sectors including other walks of US national life. People of this country admire the educations system of the country and the universities in particular those are really centre of excellence by any measure. People have not forgotten the timely humanitarian assistance during earthquake in AJK in 2005 when US Chinook helicopters assumed the role of “angels of mercy” and saved thousands of precious lives.

Democratic Pakistan is the ultimate choice of the people of Pakistan. Wish US ambassador assertion is the reflection of the paradigm shift. Circumstances support the change of heart.