Thursday March 27, 2025

Oxygen for humanity

As recently adopted Pact for Future reminds us, human rights are, in fact, a source of solutions

By Dr Luay Shabaneh
March 26, 2025
A flag is seen on a building during the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland February 27, 2023. — Reuters
A flag is seen on a building during the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland February 27, 2023. — Reuters

In my career of over three decades in the development and humanitarian arena at national, regional and global levels, I have often pondered over why stakeholders fail to embrace peace as a viable alternative to conflict, which continues to escalate in scale and intensity.

Even though 193 members of the United Nations endorse the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, and Article 1 of the declaration states that all human beings are born free and equal, it seems to me that the primary cause of most global and local conflicts is the denial of this fundamental truth that all people, regardless of race, colour, gender, social-religious affiliation, community, ethnicity etc, are entitled to the same rights

Irrespective of whether the global world order is unipolar or multipolar, this denial of equal rights for all has escalated suffering and conflicts. This pattern is mirrored at the national level, where the dominance of a single or multiple political parties, tribes, gender, race, colour, or social groups has led to similar denial of equal rights for all. The perpetuation of injustice and suffering will persist unless there is a collective recognition of the necessity for equal rights for all individuals, regardless of their background or identity.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has stated that human rights, the oxygen of humanity, are currently being suffocated by autocrats, patriarchy and those that deny populations access to rights, including rights to food, water and education. Artificial intelligence, which offers great promise but can also potentially violate human rights with a single click, further contributes to this suffocation.

As the recently adopted Pact for the Future reminds us, human rights are, in fact, a source of solutions. Equal rights for all are essential and a cornerstone for progress. Applying this perspective to society, a reduction in gender-based violence against women could be achieved if men acknowledged and respected women's rights to live without fear of violence. Similarly, the unmet need for family planning could be addressed if both institutions and families acknowledged women's autonomy over their bodies and their right to make their own reproductive choices, including the timing, frequency and number of pregnancies.

Recognising the right to life, women would not be pressured to opt for abortion as a means of family planning. According to the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) guidelines, reproductive rights include the freedom to make choices regarding reproduction free from discrimination, coercion, or violence, consistent with the established human rights principles.

Ensuring that all young people are afforded the same rights as other members of society is crucial for them to fully access their entitlements in various aspects of life. This includes equal opportunities in participation, a smooth transition from school to the workforce and access to comprehensive health services, particularly sexual and reproductive health information and rights. It also includes providing a level playing field for youth facing vulnerabilities - such as young migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

It also means supporting young people caught in legal conflicts and those with disabilities to experience parity in opportunity and access to resources. Prioritising the equitable treatment of all youth will pave the way for a more inclusive and just society.

While securing rights relies primarily on legislation and institutional mechanisms in the first place, it also necessitates the cultivation of a community and societal ethos that values and upholds human rights. Thus, fostering a culture of human rights within a nation is imperative. This undertaking demands the allocation of substantial resources towards educating the populace about their rights and empowering them to advocate for themselves.

It also entails enhancing the efficacy of the judicial system, diligently monitoring service provision, and implementing other strategies to advance this objective. Effective enforcement of equal rights for all requires easy access to legal advice and assistance, a robustly independent judiciary, and muscular human rights institutions.

The principle of ‘equal rights for all’ holds significant importance in Pakistan. For instance, enforcing reproductive rights will ensure free choices and ending unmet family planning needs, and consequently calibrating population growth to economic growth within tawaazun (balance) narrative, and enforcing the right to live with dignity will end gender-based violence. Enforcing the right to development will also ensure healthy, educated and skilled youth.

Pakistan can leverage the narrative of ‘equal rights for all’ by educating all citizens, especially women, girls and the younger generations and marginalised groups, about equal rights for all and empowering them to uphold them. It is also essential to integrate this concept and its principles into existing mechanisms, policies, and programmes. By mainstreaming human rights in this way, the country can ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and enjoy their fundamental rights.

To achieve this, national-level measures must be taken to uphold, protect and realise the rights of all people. This includes implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies, programmes and strategies that impact these rights. By actively promoting and enforcing these rights, Pakistan can move closer to a society where equality and fairness are paramount.

The writer is the UNFPA representative in Pakistan.