ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for National Health Services Mukhtar Ahmad Malik said there is a proposal under consideration to bring a healthcare insurance scheme for federal government employees.
In a reply to a question of Agha Rafiullah during the question hour in the National Assembly, Minister of State for National Health Services Mukhtar Ahmed Malik said currently studies are being carried out to determine the treatment facilities to be provided under the scheme.
It was stated that he summary of the Health Care Insurance Scheme for Federal Government employees was forwarded by the NHSR&C through the Finance Division to the Prime Minister’s Office for necessary decision.
Currently, the summary is under consideration by the relevant stakeholders so as and when finalized and approved the rest of the details will be shared accordingly. (b) As a proposed initiative, the Health Care Insurance Scheme for Federal Government employees is envisioned as a distinct program separate from the Sehat Sahulat Program. The scheme aims to introduce a structured healthcare system offering inpatient and hospitalization services through major public and private hospitals nationwide.
A key component of the proposal is the provision of cashless medical treatment for Federal Government employees and their dependents. Additionally, the issuance of Health insurance Cards will ensure efficient service delivery and easy access to medical facilities.
It Stated that if approved, this initiative has the potential to enhance healthcare accessibility and financial security for government employees.
It was stated that The case is under consideration and is yet to be approved and it depends on the approval of the proposal by the competent authority.
In a reply to another question of Shazia Sobia Aslam Somoro who asked whether Ministry or any relevant department has taken notice of the health hazards occurred on skin by using cold creams; if so, the details, Minister of State for National Health Services Mukhtar Ahmad Malik said Under the DRAP Act 2012, cosmetic cold creams do not fall under the mandate of Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan.
However, in the light of publication of World Health Organization (WHO) titled “Mercury in skin lightening products” DRAP, in order to safe guard the public health, started a nationwide campaign and issued instructions to its field force for the sampling of cosmetic creams for the purpose of test/analysis and detection of allopathic ingredients including mercury vide letter F. No. 13-07/2023-QC dated 19-05-2023,
Sampling of the alleged products was conducted by field force of DRAP and the Provincial Drug Control Unit Punjab.
These actions were challenged by the petitioners in the Honorable High Court of Lahore vide W.P No. 396/8/2023 wherein the Honorable Court directed DRAP not to interfere in the legal business of the petitioners and the matter is still sub-judice.
Meanwhile, The Pakistan General Cosmetics Act 2023 (Annex-III), was promulgated to regulate the quality, standard, labeling, packing, manufacturing, storage, distribution and sales of general cosmetics. Administrative Ministry to deal with the Authority under the aforesaid Act, is the Ministry of Science and Technology.
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