WASHINGTON: Donald Trump’s first eight weeks back in the White House have been a whirlwind but the president has still found time for one of his passions: interior decoration, reports foreign media.
Not content with firing out executive orders, raising and lowering tariffs and unnerving the stock markets and America’s allies alike, the president has been busy redesigning the Oval Office, ensuring its furnishings, fixtures and ornaments are more in-keeping with his personal taste.
As CNN has noted: “There is gold everywhere: new gold vermeil figurines on the mantle and medallions on the fireplace, gold eagles on the side tables, gilded Rococo mirrors on the doors, and, nestled in the pediments above the doorways, Continued diminutive gold cherubs shipped in from Mar-a-Lago.” “Even the remote control for the television down the hall is wrapped in gilt,” it adds.
The motif continues throughout the room, with Trump seemingly unable to pass a simple side table without pointing a finger at it like King Midas and ordering it lined with gilded eagles.
There are gold-framed medallions decorating the fireplace and even a replica of the FIFA World Cup trophy, a nod to the U.S. co-hosting the tournament next summer. Trump has also tripled the number of pictures of his predecessors on the walls. Trump has not finished rethinking the White House and reportedly has plans to revamp the Rose Garden with a patio-style seating area akin to a similar space at Mar-a-Lago.
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