Hyderabad police arrested three individuals, including a woman, and seized 12 kilograms of heroin, including crystal meth (ice), worth over 100 million rupees, SSP Dr Farrukh Ali Lanjaar said in a press conference on Wednesday, commending the efforts of DSP CIA Iftikhar Buriro and his team for executing the operation.
According to Dr Lanjaar, the initial arrest was made after Khalil Baloch was apprehended with 6kg of crystal meth that he had smuggled from Turbat via Karachi to Hyderabad. The drugs were intercepted at Hattri Bypass. Following his arrest, further investigations led to the detention of two more individuals — Rani Baloch and Zahid Baloch — who were caught near Ayub Restaurant Bypass Road, where another six kg of ice were recovered.
SSP Lanjaar highlighted the growing concern of drug abuse among young people, especially in educational institutions, where such substances were being supplied. He stressed that the seizure marked a significant achievement for the police, who had previously struggled to apprehend the suppliers. The evidence gathered from the operation would be shared with relevant agencies for further action.
At the end of the press conference, the three accused were presented before the media, though the female suspect, Rani Baloch, was initially brought in by a male police constable. A female constable was later summoned after the media raised concerns regarding the situation.
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