The unseen struggle of the residents of the small town of Khuhra, located in District Khairpur Mirs, Sindh, unveils a deeply unsettling reality: even reliable access to basic commodities remains a distant dream in this modern world. Residents are grappling with unreliable electricity, with frequent power outages lasting 14 to 16 hours, alongside long hours of piped gas loadshedding. For the limited hours when gas is available, its pressure is consistently low, forcing residents to rely on booster devices to make it usable. In this biting cold, many households are left with no choice but to burn wood sticks for cooking and heating.
The town’s mobile network fares no better, with poor connectivity leaving people cut off from vital internet and communication services, especially during the power cuts. It would not be wrong to say that the residents are now deeply frustrated and angry with the ongoing challenges. This dire situation calls for the concerned authorities and other relevant stakeholders to improve access to basic amenities and essential services in Khuhra.
Shafqat Hussain Memon
Khairpur Mirs
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