Sindh has long been a land of peace, tolerance, and Sufism. These principles are celebrated in the poetry of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai and Shaikh Ayaz and echoed in the music of artists like Saif Samejo and literary figures such as Jami Chandio. Recently, Sindh’s intellectuals, including women, musicians, and literary icons, staged a protest against the alarming rise of religious extremism in Sindh, condemning the tragic killing of Dr. Shahnawaz Kunbhar. In response to this call for a peaceful march, the Sindh government imposed Section 144, prohibiting public gatherings, which restricted the citizens’ right to assemble. The Sindh Police resorted to baton-charging the crowd and arrested several prominent figures with unnecessary force and indignity.
The October 13 crackdown will be remembered as a dark day for peaceful protests and human rights in Sindh. The state should protect the right to peacefully oppose religious extremism in Sindh.
Muhammad Hassan Abbasi
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