ISLAMABAD: Ex-Wapda distribution companies (XWDISCOs) have proposed a refund of Rs0.7057 per unit to power consumers in their November 2024 bills, following higher charges levied in previous month of September.
The Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA), acting on behalf of these companies, has submitted a petition to National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) to finalise the monthly fuel price adjustment (FCA) for September.
Nepra has scheduled a public hearing on October 30 this month to evaluate whether the requested fuel charges variation is justified, and if companies adhered to economic merit order (EMO) in dispatching power from their plants and private suppliers. If approved, the refund will apply to all categories except lifeline users, domestic consumers using up to 300 units, electric vehicle charging stations, pre-paid electricity consumers across all categories, and agricultural consumers. This would mark the third consecutive month of FCA reductions after 18 months of consistent increases.
In an earlier decision for July’s FCA, Nepra directed distribution companies (DISCOs) to refund Rs0.3692 per unit to consumers in September bills. From January 2023 to June 2024, FCA remained positive, leading to extra charges for consumers, with highest adjustment reaching Rs7.056 per unit in January 2024.
The CPPA’s petition reveals reference fuel charges for September 2024 were Rs9.8006 per unit, while a ctual costs were Rs9.0949 per unit, resulting in requested Rs0.7057 refund.
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