Monday October 21, 2024

It’s time to evolve multifaceted anti-terror strategy

Terrorist attacks are deeply impacting our economy, which is already in a shambles due to global war on terror

By Shakeel Ahmad Ramay
October 21, 2024
An undated image of militants carrying weapons. — AFP/File
An undated image of militants carrying weapons. — AFP/File

Pakistan was preparing for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Head of Government meeting and the visit of the Chinese and Russian Prime Ministers. The terrorist groups and their supporters found it a good opportunity to strike and they targeted innocent citizens in Karachi and claimed the lives of Chinese and Pakistani citizens. It was considered a blatant effort to sabotage SCO and the visit of the Chinese and Russian Prime Ministers. Fortunately, Pakistan refused to entertain the fear and organized a successful SCO meeting and visits by Chinese and Russian Prime Ministers.

Pakistan comprehends that the ongoing war on terrorism is multifaceted, and many international and national players are involved in these terrorist activities. For example, most recently, the QUAD communique targeted Pakistan and China. It is not the only platform being used to undermine the China-Pakistan relationship and CPEC. Pakistan faces harsh treatment from many global players. They have joined hands with terrorists and are supporting the terrorists in the name of freedom of speech and human rights. The most alarming aspect of the whole story is that some friends of Pakistan have also joined these anti-Pakistan platforms. Pakistan is wondering how these friends can help anti-Pakistan forces. When they were in need of help, Pakistan helped them generously.

The terrorism is inflicting heavy losses on Pakistan. Pakistan is bearing the loss of human lives, Pakistani nationals and nationals of our iron brother China.

Terrorist attacks are deeply impacting our economy, which is already in a shambles due to the global war on terror. It is unfortunate that Pakistan helped the world fight the war on terror. Pakistan lost more than 70,000 Pakistanis and had to bear an economic loss of more than US$150 billion. In return, they are supporting terrorists in Pakistan.

In this context, Pakistan will have to come up with a multifaceted policy and strategy. Pakistan should work with China to devise a comprehensive security policy, strategy and implementation framework. No doubt, Pakistani institutions are doing a good job of tackling terrorism, but the scale of the new wave of terrorism is vast and involves multiple players at a global level. These players have immense financial resources and technological advantages. They also have a huge network of communication, which they log and hide the truth. Therefore, Pakistan and China must work together.

Security policy should be divided into two parts: domestic and global. On the domestic front, both countries should start with intelligence agencies and create the Pakistan-China Intelligence Agency Network (PCIAN). The network’s prime, rather the only, job should be to focus on CPEC, bilateral investment, and Pakistan-China relations. The PCIAN should gather information, analyze data, and prepare briefings for the higher-ups from both sides. Second, Pakistan created a security command under the army at the start of CPEC. It helped to run CPEC smoothly during the first phase. However, now, there is a need to refine the structure of this body and build joint operational mechanisms. There is a need for the inclusion of police and built mechanisms of cooperation with the Chinese side. The police should lead the operational part and assisted by the armed forces. Third, the security policy and strategy should devise mechanisms to include the Chinese companies as partners in the security apparatus.

On the global front, there is need for evolving a dynamic policy and action framework. It is extremely important because the militants are working hand in hand with foreign powers to fulfil their agenda.

By attacking CPEC, foreign powers want to create a wedge between China and Pakistan. This is part of the grand strategy of the foreign powers to create a web of chaos in the surroundings of China, isolate, contain, and check China’s peaceful rise. The process to create a web of chaos has been initiated with the abrupt withdrawal of allied forces from Afghanistan and the start of the Ukraine crisis.

Now, they are targeting China’s closest friend and home of the flagship project of BRI, Pakistan. They feel it is necessary to destabilise Pakistan to complete the web of chaos in China’s surroundings. If they are able to create differences between China and Pakistan, it will be a big success and a story for their propaganda. They will develop a narrative that if China cannot help its iron brother, how can other countries trust China? It is feared that it will accelerate the process of China’s isolation, which is their ultimate goal.

Therefore, China and Pakistan should join hands and tell the supporters of terrorists that if they do not stop, then be ready to face the consequences. For that purpose, China and Pakistan should approach the UNSC and ask the UNSC to treat terrorism according to the UNSC resolution on terrorism.

Second, China and Pakistan also report these countries to FATF on the basis of terror financing. Both countries should put efforts into bringing financers under the law and ask the FATF to put these countries on the grey list.

Third, China and Pakistan should also establish a joint platform for countering fifth-generation warfare. It would be very critical to counter terrorist activities because the opponents first create a narrative, run propaganda campaigns, and create misperceptions.

On the basis of misperceptions and propaganda, they motivate young people to join terrorist groups. Thus, a comprehensive fifth-generation war strategy and cooperation are needed to nip the evil in the bid.

Fourth, both countries should also devise mechanisms to expose terrorist supporters at the global level. They should run a global campaign and tell the world that these countries are promoting terrorism, which is against the charter of the United Nations.

Fifth, if these countries refuse to obey international laws, China and Pakistan should lower their diplomatic and economic relationship with these countries.

In conclusion, the situation is getting serious, and it is the first time that China has issued an advisory for travelling to Pakistan. Further, to understand the gravity of the situation, Pakistani decision-makers must study and comprehend the security Vision of President Xi in the new era. President Xi has declared that the security of every individual working outside of China is paramount. China will do anything and everything to protect each and every citizen of China.

Thus, Pakistani leadership must devise the right policy framework and take practical steps. The suggestion discussed above can help Pakistan to lower, if not mitigate, the impact of terrorist acts in Karachi.

Lastly, creating joint mechanisms and actions will also help build investors’ trust, not only in China but also in other parts of the world.

Therefore, they should not listen to insane voices that oppose the joint workings of China-Pakistan institutions. I believe it would be easier, as the People’s Liberation Armed Forces and Pakistani Armed Forces have a long history of working together.