Friday October 18, 2024

Unchecked brutality

By News Desk
October 18, 2024
Unchecked brutality

The recent crackdown on peaceful protestors outside the Karachi Press Club is a harsh reminder of how easily the voices of ordinary citizens can be silenced. In any thriving democracy, the ability to gather peacefully and to be heard without fear is a fundamental right. When those in power respond with force rather than dialogue, it strips away the rights of protestors and the very spirit of freedom that every citizen holds dear. The protestors, many of whom were calling for social reforms and accountability, were exercising their right to be heard. Rather than opening a dialogue, the authorities responded with batons, tear gas, and arbitrary arrests.

This knee-jerk reaction reflects a disturbing trend of suppressing dissent instead of addressing it. The lack of communication, coupled with the aggressive tactics of police, has only deepened the already fragile trust between citizens and law enforcement. Allowing the rights of citizens to be diminished like this is something Pakistan must not accept. I urge the government and police authorities to reflect on this incident and take immediate steps to reform policing practices.

Muhammad Shahjahan Memon
