Tuesday October 08, 2024

Rise in gastro patients at Paeds dept of Nishtar Hospital

By Nadeem Shah
October 08, 2024
Nishtar Hospital in Multan. — Facebook/Nishtar Hospital, Multan./File
Nishtar Hospital in Multan. — Facebook/Nishtar Hospital, Multan./File

MULTAN: The continuous dry spell of hot weather and the use of contaminated food are spreading gastroenteritis rapidly in paeds.

The patients at Paeds Ward of Nishtar Hospital were increasing day by day. Substandard food items available at many bakeries and unhygienic restaurants kitchens with free movement of pests contribute to the unabated rise in gastro, health practitioners said.

Gastroenteritis statistics available at Nishtar Hospital alarmed a high rise of gastro among Paed patients. The number of gastro career Paeds have jumped to 47 during the last 24 hours at Nishtar Hospital.

The month of September statistics indicated continuous rise in gastro Paed patients on a daily basis due to high temperature and frequent use of substandard and contaminated food items. The highest number of 60 Paed patients admitted at the hospital including 50 at main emergency and 10 at Paed emergency on September 4. The numbers jumped to 63 on September 7.?

The gastro Paed admissions ranged between 30 to 50 on a daily basis at Nishtar hospital in the rest of days of the month, which is alarming, indicating greater and free use of contaminated food items, health practitioners said. Often, mothers use contaminated, spicy food items and the contamination transfers among infants through mother-feed, they added. The total numbers of 875 Paed patients admitted at Nishtar main emergency and Paed emergency

from September 5 to September 30.

Nishtar Medical College Forensic Medicine instructor and senior Paed consultant Dr Imran Rafiq said that gastroenteritis was inflammation of the stomach and intestinal epithelium diarrhea was the passage of more than three loose liquids tools within 24 hours dysentery was bloody diarrhea pain and fever usually by bacteria parasite or protozoa some individuals were at high risk for example having previous gastric surgery or having immunodeficiency or recent use of antibiotics which predispose to antibiotics associated diarrhea. Bacterial infections were more

common in the tropical regions, he told.

Dr Imran Rafiq further said that patients may have taking food from specific restaurants reheated food unusual diets and intake of fish may cause diarrhea treatment. ORS was sufficient in mild cases and it was commercially available all over the country while patients with moderate and sphere serious dehydration require intravenous fluids.

Meanwhile, the Punjab Food Authority Multan region teams traced many bakery items, including cake, snacks, biscuits and beverages that were contaminated or expired but still being sold in markets. The teams found groundwater sources were contaminated in Multan. The food safety teams also shut a water plant in the Multan Delhi Gate area after tracing arsenic particles in groundwater. The grinding units use loose spices, which hadserious health hazards. The filth is found in the freezers in some bakeries and the presence of pests in some sweet. The teams also found many restaurants which had no record of oil change and they had stored dairy products and meat together in the same freezer, which was not only illegal but also harmful to human health.

The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) Multan region during an operation against health-hazardous contaminated food items confiscated 2,500kg flour, 1,150kg sugar and other items that were substandard.

The food safety teams inspected bakery units, grinding units, restaurants, and multiple food points in Multan and Khanewal. The teams traced 60kg expired snacks, 25kg biscuits and 20 litres expired beverages which were later discarded during the operation. The teams also halted production at a bakery and a water plant until the improvement of purification process.