Tuesday October 01, 2024

‘Strategic reforms in social safety initiatives to boost beneficiary support’

Committee was briefed on status and future direction of BISP’s Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs

By Our Correspondent
October 01, 2024
A large number of women stand in a queue to draw money from Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) beneficiaries outside Benazir One Window Center. — APP/file
A large number of women stand in a queue to draw money from Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) beneficiaries outside Benazir One Window Center. — APP/file

ISLAMABAD: The Standing Committee of the National assembly on Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety calls for strategic reforms in social safety initiatives to enhance beneficiary support and it was noted that while substantial funds had been allocated for social protection, there were concerns about the utilization of previously allocated resources.

The NA standing committee directed that the Ministry must present a clear, transparent roadmap, ensuring that all expenditures are aligned with the program’s goals and that issues such as unbudgeted expenses are resolved through proper planning and oversight.

The meeting of NA Standing Committee on Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety was held with the chair of its Chairman Mir Ghulam Ali Talpur here at Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) Headquarters and the session focused on critical agenda items aimed at reviewing and strengthening the social safety net framework across the country.

The committee received a detailed briefing from the Ministry of Poverty Alleviation & Social Safety (PA&SS) and BISP on the budgetary allocations for the Financial Year 2024-25. The committee reviewed the fund utilization report presented by Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) and directed the Ministry to ensure that cases are processed without delay to avoid hardship for applicants.

Trust for Voluntary Organization (TVO) also shared the details of the district-wise list of partner organizations and the work undertaken thus far. The committee delved into the operational issues faced by BISP beneficiaries due to the introduction of new banking contracts and the associated Point of Sale (POS) devices. The discussion highlighted that the transition had caused significant disruptions, with multiple complaints regarding malfunctioning devices and delayed payments.

The committee recommended that BISP conduct comprehensive pilot testing before any future rollout of new model, and to provide extensive training to staff to mitigate these challenges. It also called for an enhanced communication strategy to keep beneficiaries informed during such transitions. The committee granted advance approval of another thirty days’ extension to the subcommittee, so it gets reconstituted on the expiry of its first 30 days.

It is pertinent to mention here that the sub-committee had been constituted on the 20th August, 2024 by the main committee to address: the registration / enrollment issues in the BISP; and the issues faced by BISP beneficiaries during quarterly disbursements under Benazir Kafaalat Program. The sub-committee is headed by Convener, Ms. Shazia Marri, MNA with three other Members, i.e. Ahmad Atteeq Anwer, MNA, Muhammad Bashir Khan, MNA and Awais Haider Jakhar, MNA.

The committee was briefed on the status and future direction of BISP’s Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs, which include the Taleemi Wazaif (Educational Grants) and Health Wazaif (Health Stipends) aimed at reducing stunting and improving educational outcomes.

The meeting was attended by the following Members of the National Assembly: Mir Ghulam Ali Talpur, Shahid Usman, Ahmad Atteeq Anwer, Mir Khan Muhammad Jamali, Nawabzada Iftikhar Ahmed Khan Babar, Arshad Abdullah Vohra, Ms. Aasia Ishaque Siddiqui, Muhammad Bashir Khan, Shafqat Abbas, and Misbah Uddin whereas Ms. Aseefa Bhutto Zardari, Ms. Shazia Marri and Awais Haider Jakhar attended the meeting virtually.

Muhammad Azhar Khan Leghari, Parliamentary Secretary (Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety), Ms. Rubina Khalid, Chairperson BISP, senior officers of the Ministry and representatives from its departments, including BISP, PPAF, PBM and TVO were also in attendance.