Sunday September 29, 2024

Reputational damage

By News Desk
September 30, 2024
Reputational damage

As an overseas Pakistani residing in Saudi Arabia, I feel compelled to address the recent warning issued by the Saudi authorities to Pakistan regarding the increasing number of beggars from our homeland. This is a troubling reflection of the state of our society and raises crucial questions about the direction we, as a nation, are heading towards. It is unfortunate that a growing number of Pakistanis, often under the guise of seeking better opportunities, arrive in foreign countries only to resort to begging. Many of these individuals are part of organized rackets, tarnishing the image of Pakistan and damaging the credibility of those who genuinely seek to improve their lives abroad through honest work.

We must ask ourselves: why are our fellow citizens being driven to such desperate measures? Is it solely poverty, or is it the lack of opportunities, inadequate education, or systemic failures that are compelling them to resort to begging in foreign lands? This alarming situation not only damages Pakistan’s reputation internationally but also affects the dignity of all Pakistanis who work hard to contribute positively to society. Overseas Pakistanis play a vital role in supporting the national economy through remittances, but this positive contribution is overshadowed by the unfortunate actions of a few. As a nation, we need a wake-up call. We must address the root causes of poverty and unemployment within Pakistan. It is time for introspection and action.

Zarsha Naveed


Saudi Arabia