Friday September 27, 2024

The road to tyranny

By News Desk
September 26, 2024
The road to tyranny

The recently proposed constitutional amendments appear to be aimed at strengthening the political executive's hold over the judiciary. These constitutional amendments are a major source of worry for the nation's democratic future as they would weaken the independence of the judiciary, a key element of any democracy. There is mounting risk that this could seriously undermine public confidence in the justice system and block the important checks and balances required for a viable state. Pakistan is placing itself at risk of greater political upheaval by weakening this protection.

Advocates of the amendments argue that they will foster efficiency and accountability, but history shows that concentrating power often fails to produce real reforms. In truth, it usually gives rise to more corruption and authoritarianism. It is important for the people to voice their resistance to these amendments. Civil society organizations, legal experts and other state officials also need to strengthen their opposition to these changes. Unless it is checked, this grab for power could undo years of strenuous democratic development.

Mehreen Mubarak
