Monday September 23, 2024

PMLN locks horns with PPP over appointment of VCs

PMLN has developed serious differences with its ally PPP over issue of appointment of VCs of different universities

By Ali Raza
September 23, 2024
This combo of images shows, Governor Punjab Sardar Saleem Haider (left) and Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif (right). — Facebook/Sardar Saleem Haider Khan/Maryam Nawaz Sharif/File
This combo of images shows, Governor Punjab Sardar Saleem Haider (left) and Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif (right). — Facebook/Sardar Saleem Haider Khan/Maryam Nawaz Sharif/File

LAHORE: Punjab’s ruling party, the PMLN has developed serious differences with its ally the PPP over the issue of the appointment of VCs of different universities.

Punjab Governor Sardar Saleem Haider has withheld the summery of the appointment of VCs, which was sent to him after the due consultation of the Punjab cabinet. The Punjab governor also conducted the interviews of the recommended candidates.

Sources in PMLN claimed that earlier the PPP leadership has also tried to intervene in the transfer and posting of senior officers, which Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz rejected.

Though the PPP is an ally of the PMLN in the center as well as in the Punjab government, its leadership especially Punjab governor is issuing statements against the PMLN government. In a recent statement, the Punjab governor also criticised Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.

However, following issue of the VCs appointment, the PMLN leadership has directed its leaders to stop reacting to the statements of PPP leaders and the Punjab governor, sources claimed adding the PMLN leadership might do this as they need the support of the PPP for the upcoming constitutional amendments as well as lawmaking process in the National Assembly.

Sources in PMLN further claimed that the party leadership is of the view that there is some personal interest of the Punjab governor in the appointment of VCs and is using such tactics to put pressure on the Punjab CM.

They further claimed the Punjab governor is also trying to meet the Punjab CM and if this meeting will take place, the issue might be resolved but in the other case, the PMLN leadership will talk with the PPP’s central leadership.

Provincial Information Minister Azma Bokhari while talking with The News said that the role of the Punjab governor is to assent the steps and decisions being taken by the Punjab Assembly and the cabinet.

“The governor is not empowered to overrule the decisions of the provincial cabinet,” she said adding the Punjab governor remained a former federal minister, should be well aware about the importance of the cabinet decisions.

Azma Bokhari said that the cabinet approved the selection committee for the appointment of the Vice Chancellors of the universities of the province. The selection committee interviewed all the aspiring candidates to be appointed as Vice Chancellors in the universities and recommended the names of eligible, senior and experienced educationists as Vice Chancellors.

She said the Punjab governor instead of playing the role of an opposition should let the governorship be limited to a constitutional post only.

On the other hand, Central Punjab PPP General Secretary Syed Hassan Murtaza said that Punjab Governor Sardar Saleem Haider is fulfilling his responsibilities within constitutional limits.

Hassan Murtaza said that it is the governor’s responsibility to ensure education-friendly policies while staying within constitutional limits.

Murtaza said that governor is constitutionally bound to remove obstacles hindering the improvement of educational standards in universities. Hassan Murtaza appreciated the Punjab governor’s efforts to eradicate harassment and narcotics from the universities.

Murtaza further said governor’s actions may cause discomfort to groups seeking to promote lawlessness in universities, but he will continue to protect the educational future of millions of the students.