Monday September 23, 2024

A nation of bad roads

By News Desk
September 23, 2024
A nation of bad roads

This refers to the letter ‘Soluble roads’ (September 21, 2024) by Shakir Lakhani. The roads are quite similar in Hub as well. Every couple of months, the roads are rebuilt, only to be reduced to rubble again. The so-called ‘repair’ process involves merely laying down gravel, which is quickly destroyed by passing vehicles. This is not only an injustice to citizens but also a blatant display of incompetence. The authorities' failure to provide durable infrastructure is unbearable for residents and tantamount to fooling them. The situation is further exacerbated by the lack of waste management.

Despite numerous promises, disposal cans are nowhere to be found, leaving streets littered with trash. This neglect has severe consequences for public health and the environment. It's astonishing that municipal authorities have not taken basic steps to address these issues. The people of Hub City, like those in Karachi, deserve better. We urge the authorities to take immediate action to provide functional infrastructure and essential services.

Mohammed Saleem
