The middle classes in the Rawalpindi-Islamabad twin cities are facing exorbitant home rents of between Rs25,000 and Rs35,000 for a two room house and up to Rs70,000 for a three room house. It is becoming unaffordable for salaried people to pay such high rent rates, especially when accounting for the fact that one has to pay a month’s rent in advance when they move into a new house. If one goes through a property dealer, they also have to pay half the monthly rent amount as commission. It is impossible for a salaried person to keep up with such hefty housing expenses. The PM and chief minister must take note of this issue and ensure that there are some checks and balances when it comes to home rents. These rents should be the same for all areas and sectors and there needs to be a moratorium on rent increases for the next five years. Those on a low salary who cannot afford their rent should be given a subsidy.
Mehran Khan
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