Tuesday September 17, 2024

Federal officials reshuffled

Establishment Division has issued a notification

By Rana Ghulam Qadir
September 10, 2024
The establishment division building can be seen in this picture. — Establishment division website/File
The establishment division building can be seen in this picture. — Establishment division website/File

ISLAMABAD: Appointments and transfers have been made in the federal bureaucracy. Hasan Raza Saeed, Senior Joint Secretary, Ministry of Climate Change, has been transferred and posted as Senior Joint Secretary, Finance Division. Interior Ministry Joint Secretary Fahad Haider Buzdar has been transferred and his services returned to the Auditor General of Pakistan office Islamabad. Sajjad Azhar, posted on deputation in Economic Affairs Division, has been transferred as Joint Secretary Finance Division and Chief Finance Officer Kashmir Affairs Division Toqeer Ahmed has been posted as Chief Internal Auditor Pakistan Railways Lahore.

Deputy Secretary Prime Minister’s Office Manoor Hussain has been made OSD. Tariq Latif, grade 19 officer of Pakistan Railways, Commercial and Transportation Group, has been transferred to National Highway Authority on deputation for 3 years, while Section Officer Muhammad Farhan Zahid has been transferred from Interior Division to Establishment Division MS Wing.

Mohsin Ali, who is at the disposal of the Sindh government, has been appointed as Section Officer, Finance Division, while Usman Ali, Section Officer, Federal Education Division, has been made OSD and his educational leave approved from September 16, 2024 to September 30, 2025, and Section Officer, Federal Education Division, Abdul Rauf has been made OSD and granted leave from September 3, 2024 to December 31, 2024.

Pakistan National Council of Arts Deputy Director Umar Zaka has been transferred and posted as Section Officer National Heritage Division on deputation for three years. The Establishment Division has issued a notification.