DIG Investigation Zulfiqar Ali Mehar on Wednesday organised a ceremony regarding the distribution of new pattern uniforms and modern equipment for the Crime Scene Unit at Karachi Police Office.
Officials said Additional IG Karachi Javed Alam Odho graced the occasion as chief guest. The ADIG Legal, the DSP Crime Scene Unit and other officers were present on the occasion.
DIG Zulfiqar Ali Mehar briefed the police chief about new uniforms and kits and other items. The additional IG inspected the newly purchased uniforms and other items and also inspected the vehicles. He also met the officers and employees of the unit and issued important instructions regarding the CSU.
On this occasion, Odho handed over uniforms and other equipment to the units. These include 1,036 black uniforms, reflective jackets, 1,400 black shirts, seven uniforms and kit sets and other equipment for women police officers of the crime scene.
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