Saturday September 21, 2024

Financial governance in Balochistan in crisis

Culture of alleged “bargaining” in clearing bills from national exchequer is visible in official minutes wherein serious allegations were levelled

By Mehtab Haider
September 02, 2024
A representational image showing people walking in a street in Quetta, Balochistan. — AFP/File
A representational image showing people walking in a street in Quetta, Balochistan. — AFP/File

ISLAMABAD: Amid Balochistan’s worsening law and order situation, the governance structure has been moving towards a crisis.

Examples of the officers belonging to audit and accounts groups have come to the fore in the official meetings, openly exposing and levelling serious allegations of omission and commissions for clearing all kinds of bills for repayments from the national exchequer.

The culture of alleged “bargaining” in clearing bills from the national exchequer is visible in the official minutes wherein serious allegations were levelled.

Official records, documents, and background interviews of officials concerned disclosed that the accounts officers have started raising their voices against it and official minutes showed that some assistant account officers and senior auditors of payment sections are allegedly involved in such heinous activities.

For those who have always managed to get postings in payment sections and are never posted in non-payment sections, it was alleged that such postings were secured by allegedly sharing bounties with top bosses.

Some officers have always rotated from one disbursement section to another like from DAD to Fund; From pension to fund and then to TM section, dealing with works payments etc. and so on.

Official documents showed a sorry state of affairs prevailed as one senior account officer (AO) opined that the work culture deteriorated to such an extent over a period that even AOs themselves had to face humiliation at the hands of auditors.

The auditors keep cases to themselves and enter a case in the diary when they have settled “bargaining deals” with someone/broker etc. The case is submitted to AOs only after such deals and AO loses control over his section. Another AO pointed out that the system did not deteriorate only because of AOs, AAOs, and senior auditors but due to the involvement of all from top to bottom. He cited an example that if someone paid some money for posting, he would get it from people even if he had to be cruel to the people who come for their claims/bills. He opined some people have become ruthless in getting bribes and commissions. He also mentioned auditors being given undue leverage and shelter for such illegal activities in the past.

Another officer disclosed that an assistant account officer (AAO), who was recently posted out from one of the GP fund sections and always remained posted in payment sections was out of control and did not even listen to AOs at all. He would do whatever he liked.

Some of the AOs highlighted that they used to visit the previous AG office without any hesitation, but are reluctant to visit the current AG for fear of any reprimand on account of complaints being lodged by various clients/departments.

The quick action on complaints was a cause of worry for them as it might entangle them in inquiries. They said they were afraid to return cases lest complaints might be lodged against them. To this the AG responded that he never disallowed anybody to visit him to discuss any issue/official matter if they wished, however, it would be appropriate if they could wait in case the AG is busy in some meeting or discussion on official matters.

It was opined that it would be hard for the officers posted recently in payment sections to adjust/ perform vis-a-vis the staff who remained in the payment section for most of their services.

An AO admitted that the auditors of his office were not performing work themselves rather they had hired assistants outside the office who sent files out of the office to get the work done and they don’t work themselves. In such a situation, how management of this office be improved when officials outsource their work to brokers? He further said the files were being carried out by the brokers and the work was being outsourced. The AG noted this observation with great concern.

The AG said that when something comes to his notice, he would take action. One AO alleged that the DAG was making heavy demands, especially from AAOs, AG inquired why was not brought to his notice earlier. It was directed if someone made any such demand he would be dealt with under relevant rules.

Senior auditors and assistant accounts officers have become so powerful and strong that they can get AOs transferred at will. He further stated that the system was not corrupted only because of the AO, AAO, and senior auditors but because of the involvement of everyone from the top to the bottom. He gave an example and said that if someone paid some money for posting, he would collect from people even if he had to oppress people coming for his claims/bills. He said that some people have become ruthless in securing alleged bribes and commissions up to of 20 to 30 per cent on every bill, especially during the May-June months of every financial year.

This scribe sent out questions to all important position holders from audit and accounts groups and waited for almost a week including Controller General of Accounts (CGA), Auditor General of Pakistan, and others but got no official word from them.

However, sources close to the AG told The News the AG was striving to reform the system.