Saturday September 14, 2024

Plea to Oxford varsity raises concerns about Imran’s ‘support’ for Taliban, Bin Laden ‘praise’

University said shortlist of candidates fit for position as chancellor will be announced early October

By Saeed Niazi
August 28, 2024
Image released by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) shows former prime minister Imran Khan during his virtual appearance in a Supreme Court case on May 16, 2024. — PTI
Image released by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) shows former prime minister Imran Khan during his virtual appearance in a Supreme Court case on May 16, 2024. — PTI

LONDON: Britain’s prestigious University of Oxford has received several emails and a petition raising concerns about the university’s decision to allow Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan, who is currently languishing in Adiala jail, to apply for the ceremonial post of Oxford’s chancellor.

University sources have confirmed that its office has received several emails raising concerns on Imran Khan’s candidacy, including his support for the Taliban in the past and corruption cases. The university has told Geo News that the shortlist of candidates fit for the position as chancellor of Oxford University will be announced early October.

Imran Khan has said from jail he’s submitted his nomination to run to be Oxford’s new chancellor from jail because the university helped him in his early years and he wanted to “give back” and that “I am committed to giving back to the world the resilience, determination and integrity that life has taught me, even when the odds are stacked against me”.

The petition to the university says that “while Mr. Khan is a prominent figure, there are significant aspects of his public and personal record that are deeply troubling and deserve careful consideration”.

It tells the Oxford University: “Mr. Imran Khan has frequently expressed views and taken actions that align with extremist elements, particularly the Taliban. Mr. Khan has proposed allowing the Taliban to open an office in Pakistan, which sparked widespread criticism both within the country and internationally. This suggestion was particularly alarming given the Taliban’s history of violence and human rights abuses. He has referred to the Taliban as freedom fighters’, especially during the US presence in Afghanistan. After the US withdrawal, Mr. Khan celebrated the event as the Afghans ‘breaking the shackles of slavery’, a statement widely interpreted as support for the Taliban’s return to power.”

The petition says that Imran Khan also supported Osama Bin Laden. “In a speech to Pakistan’s National Assembly, Mr. Khan controversially referred to Osama bin Laden as a ‘shaheed’ (martyr), a term that honors his death rather than condemning his actions as a global terrorist. Mr. Khan has made numerous statements that have drawn criticism for promoting misogynistic views. He has repeatedly blamed women’s clothing for incidents of rape, claiming that ‘if a woman wears very few clothes, it will have an impact on men unless they’re robots’. Such remarks shift the blame away from the perpetrators and perpetuate harmful stereotypes about women.”

The petition says that Khan supporters harassed and attacked critics and trolled them online. “This use of social media to silence critics and discredit accusers reflects a disturbing pattern of behaviour that raises serious questions about Mr. Khan’s respect for women’s rights and personal integrity.”

The petition questions Khan’s personal integrity and reminds the university that “Mr. Khan was recently convicted in the Toshakhana case, which involved the illegal sale of state gifts. This conviction raises serious concerns about his commitment to transparency and ethical governance.” The petition asks the university to “carefully consider the broader implications of electing Mr. Khan as chancellor. “Oxford University has a long history of upholding the highest standards of leadership, ethical behaviour, and respect for human rights—values that seem at odds with Mr. Khan’s public and personal record,” it says.

Imran Khan has confirmed he has applied to be in the running as the next chancellor of University of Oxford for a 10-year term. Khan graduated from Oxford in 1975 and studied philosophy, politics and economics at Keble College. Khan has previously served as chancellor of the University of Bradford from 2005 until 2014, is vying to replace conservative peer Chris Patten, the last British governor of Hong Kong, who announced in February his resignation as Oxford’s chancellor.

The final list will be announced after a month but reports have said that Lord William Hague, the former foreign secretary, Lord Peter Mandelson, the Labour grandee, and Lady Angiolini, the prominent lawyer who led the inquiry into the rape, abduction and murder of Sarah Everard will also be running for the post.

More than 250,000 Oxford alumni will vote in an online ballot later this year. The successful candidate will serve a 10-year term, supporting Prof Irene Tracey, the current vice-chancellor.