Thursday September 12, 2024

Child cruelty

By News Desk
August 24, 2024
Child cruelty

Corporal punishment is a form of punishment intended to cause physical harm to a child. It mainly occurs in homes and school settings and has always been viewed as a vicious punishment. By the late 20th century, physical or corporal punishments had been banned in various countries. Regardless of its legal status, corporal punishment remains widespread in Pakistan. According to a study conducted by Harvard University, corporal punishments have dangerous effects. Punishments like spanking could affect the brain development of children, erode parent-child relationships, reduce IQ scores and create mental health issues.

Inflicting physical pain is a horrible way of disciplining a child. Instead, a child can be disciplined through guidance, counselling, motivation, and positive reinforcement. I am of the view that corporal punishment should be eliminated domestically and internationally. I am also very happy that there is now a law on corporal punishment in Pakistan but it needs to be implemented more consistently.

Muhammad S A Pansota
