A banker by profession, Salim Ansar has a passion for history and historic books. His personal library already boasts a treasure trove of over 7,000 rare and unique books.
Every week, we shall take a leaf from one such book and treat you to a little taste of history.
BOOK NAME: Khawaja Gharib Nawaz
AUTHOR: Dr. Zahurul Hassan Sharib
PUBLISHER: Sh Muhammad Ashraf - Lahore
The following excerpt has been taken from Pages: 3 — 7
“There is no consensus of opinion, regarding the exact place of his birth. The author of ‘Sair-ul-Arefeen’ is of opinion that he was born in Sajastan. There are others, however, who hold the view that Gharib Nawaz was born in Saljar (near Mosul). Some have marked out his place of birth in Sanjar, which is near Isfahan. But it is true to say that his place of birth is Isfahan. He was brought up in Sanjar.
“The Abbaside Caliphs used to perpetuate tyrannies on the Syeds. Hence, it is most probable that his forefathers in order to escape the tyrannies and maltreatment meted out to them may have migrated to Sanjar, far from Baghdad (which Abul Fazi has described as ‘Sankar’ or ‘Sangar’).
“His date of birth is likewise shrouded in mystery. It has been given as between the year 523 and 537 A.H. In fact, he was born in the year 530 A.H.
“His full name is Moeen-ud-Din Hasan, but there are some who assert that his full name is Moeen-ud-Din. His parents affectionately called him as 'Hasan' only. After his death, there were written on his forehead the words - ‘Habib Allah’ - the Beloved of God. This is considered to be a title, conferred upon him by God.
“Hazrat Khawaja Moeen-ud-Din Hasan Chishti, better known as ‘Khawaja Gharib Nawaz’ is a shining luminary in the family of Holy Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]. The light of his personality has dispelled darkness, and has illumined thousands of hearts not only in Asia, but throughout the world.
“His ancestors were distinguished for their piety, purity, honesty, righteousness, integrity, and for their erudition, knowledge and learning. They were, indeed, the God-inspired men. Like the ancestors of Holy Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], who were the beacon lights of their day, the ancestors of Khawaja Gharib Nawaz, were the towering personalities, having unblemished character, faith in God and love for all.
“Not only this, but the family had the unique distinction of claiming some law-givers within it, who enjoyed a position of pre-eminence. They were not only men of vast scholarship, marvelous self-control and self-surrender, but were unsurpassed in their devotion to God. They were steadfast in prayer and were inspired by love. They had insight into Truth.
“It is true to say that Khawaja Gharib Nawaz is a spiritual beneficiary of Holy Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]. On the paternal side, he was closely related to Hazrat Imam Husain, hence he is Husaini, whereas, on the maternal side, he traced his relationship to Hazrat Imam Hasan, hence he is Hasani.
“His relationship extends in twelve degrees to Hazrat Imam Husain son of Hazrat Ali. The whole descent is as given below: Khawaja Moeen-ud-Din Hasan son of Khawaja Ghiyas-ud-Din Hasan son of Khawaja Kamal-ud-Din son of Syed Ahmad Hasan son of Hazrat Najm-ud-Din Tahir son of Syed Abdul Aziz son of Syed Ibrahim son of Syed Idris son of Hazrat Musa Kazim son of Hazrat Imam Jaffar Sadiq son of Imam Baqar son of Imam Zain-ul-Abedeen son of Hazrat Imam Husain son of Hazrat Ali, son-in-law of Holy Prophet Muhammad [PBUH].
“It extends in ten degrees to Hazrat Imam Hasan son of Hazrat Ali, which is as follows: Bibi Ummul Warah, better known as Bibi Mah Nur, and entitled as Bibi Khas-ul-Malka, daughter of Syed Dawood son of Syed Abdullah al-Hambali son of Yaha Zahid son of Syed Mooris son of Syed Dawood son of Syedna Musa June son of Syedna Abdullah Mehaz son of Syedna Hasan II son of Hazrat Imam Hasan son of Hazrat Ali, son-in-law of Holy Prophet Muhammad [PBUH].
“Khawaja Ghiyas-ud-Din Hasan is the father of Gharib Nawaz. He was an accomplished man. He had all the mental and moral qualities. At the time of his death, Gharib Nawaz was aged fifteen years. Khawaja Ghiyas-ud-Din died in Baghdad and lies buried there.
“The great grandfather of Gharib Nawaz named Khawaja Syed Ahmad Husain, having been disgusted with the tyrannous regime of the Abbaside Caliphs migrated from Sarman Rai, i.e., Samraa or Uskar in Iraq, and finally settled in Sanjar (in Seistan).
“Here was born to Khawaja Kamal-ud-Din, the grandfather of Gharib Nawaz, a son, who was destined to be remembered in history as the father of Gharib Nawaz. He was named Ghiyas-ud Din Hasan.
“Khawaja Ghiyas-ud-Din was brought up under the vigilant care of his father and was well educated and trained. He was not only a great scholar, but was, also, a great Sufi of his time. Amongst the Sufis of Khorasan, he had an assured position. With piety he combined wealth and splendor.
“Bibi Mah Nur alias Ummul Warah is the mother of Gharib Nawaz. She was the daughter of Dawood son of Abdullah al-Hambali. Gharib Nawaz had two real brothers.
“Hazrat Sheikh Mohi-ud-Din Abdul Qadir of Jilan, better known as Ghaus-ul-Azam is the grandson of Hazrat Abdullah al-Hambali. The mother of Khawaja Sahib-Bibi Mah Nur-is the grand-daughter of Hazrat Abdullah al-Hambali. The father of the two are real brothers. Thus, the mother of Gharib Nawaz is a cousin of Ghaus Pak. This goes to point out that Ghaus Pak is a maternal uncle of Gbarib Nawaz.
“The two are very closely related to each other. Gharib Nawaz and Ghaus Pak are maternal consanguine brothers. Another relationship established between the two is that Gharib Nawaz is a maternal uncle of Ghaus Pak, for the mother of Ghaus Pak is a sister of the mother of Gharib Nawaz on the maternal side, whereas she is sister on the paternal side.
“Khawaja Gharib Nawaz is a vision to the people, so that they may not perish. He still shows the way to the wayward weary travelers on the path of life who are without proper equipment, without hope, faith, belief, inspiration, guidance, urge and harmony. Khawaja Gharib Nawaz stands for all that is true, beautiful and noble. His was a perfect life nobly planned. In the face of trials, tribulations and tirades he remained quite, peaceful, sane and normal.
“He always evinced the characteristics of placid, meek, humble and gentle disposition. He stood above the distinctions of caste, custom, creed, colour and nationality. He was essentially cosmopolitan in outlook. His undaunted spirit, his marvelous courage, his selfless silent social service, and above all, his spiritual outlook threw light upon all the phases of his life, imparting to it brightness, luster and variety.
“The all-absorbing activity of Khawaja Gharib Nawaz did not confine itself to the study of Holy Quran, practice of asceticism, propagation of divine, truth, tours and travels, devotion to and service of his spiritual guide and teacher, but he did not lose contact with the masses and the classes, and in his discourses and conversations laid down the basic concepts of mysticism, which were to serve as a source of inspiration to the seekers, and a guide to generations to come.
“It is surprising to note that during all the seven hundred years since the great saint was laid to his eternal rest no attempt was made to introduce him to the west through the medium of any western language. We are a little in arrears in this respect.
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