Saturday September 07, 2024

Talk it out

By News Desk
July 27, 2024
Talk it out

Electricity bills have done wonders for the PTI. PM Shehbaz Sharif has rightly said that he prioritized the state at the cost of his politics and party. The state has survived such crises in the past, but the incumbent government may not. Now, after the Supreme Court’s decision regarding reserve seats, the threat of no confidence is hanging over this government. But will the potential next PTI government be able to give relief to the people? If not, then the vicious circle of political unrest and financial crises will go on and on but not for very long because those entrusted to safeguard the country will not sit back and watch. A better option for both these parties is to sit together and find an amicable solution to the present political dilemma. Otherwise there is a story of a tenant who was evicted from his home because he was unable to pay the rent. The next day, the building went down due to an earthquake and both the owner and the tenant sat in the relief camp. Moral of the story: Don’t wait for an earthquake.

Malik ul Quddoos
