Saturday September 07, 2024

Balanced growth

By News Desk
July 25, 2024
Balanced growth

Pakistan’s economic climate in 2024 presents a multifaceted challenge. While flickers of progress emerge, critical issues necessitate solutions rooted in logic and analysis. The weight of domestic and foreign debt continues to stifle progress, diverting resources away from essential infrastructure and social development programmes. Rampant inflation disproportionately impacts the most underprivileged, eroding their buying power and potentially inciting social unrest. A weak rupee further constricts the economy by inflating import costs and exacerbating inflation.

Fiscal consolidation, including reining in government spending and curtailing the budget deficit, remains paramount. However, a measured approach that prioritizes essential services without suffocating economic activity is crucial. Austerity measures alone are inadequate. Equipping the workforce with the competencies required for the knowledge-based economy necessitates investment in education and skill development. Upgrading infrastructure will improve connectivity, reduce costs, and attract investment. Modernizing agriculture, improving water management, and promoting crop diversification can bolster food security and stimulate export growth.

Mian Basim
