Sunday July 07, 2024

Heavy rainfall, water inundation cause spread of serious infections

By Muhammad Qasim
July 05, 2024
Motorists ride towards the Srinagar Highway during heavy rainfall in Islamabad on June 25, 2023. — Online
Motorists ride towards the Srinagar Highway during heavy rainfall in Islamabad on June 25, 2023. — Online

Rawalpindi:Heavy rainfall like the one in the night between Wednesday and Thursday in this region of the country and water inundation inside and outside homes in a number of localities particularly in thickly populated low-lying areas of town may cause spread of a number of serious infections.

The collection of heavily contaminated water in streets and houses due to heavy rainfall and the waste water flooding out of various nullahs including Nullah Leh in town contaminates water sources while causing spread of infections including cholera, typhoid, dysentery, gastroenteritis, hepatitis A and E, shigellosis and giardiasis, an infection in the small intestine. The contaminated water accumulated in streets and houses may carry Salmonella bacteria that cause Salmonella food poisoning and may develop diarrhoea, fever and abdominal cramps. Shigellosis, also known as bacillary dysentery, is caused by bacteria Shigella frequently found in water polluted with human faeces. Shigella infection occurs through ingestion, fecal–oral contamination, and studies reveal that fewer than 100 bacterial cells can be enough to cause an infection and dysentery that may result in destruction of the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa.

Experts say that it is time to make the public aware of various aspects of the infections that hit the population much severely every year in the rainy season so that they can take preventive measures well in time. Individuals must keep their living spaces clean and avoid inundation of contaminated water inside homes. The rainfalls and water inundation not only cause water-borne infections but also increase the chances of incidences of vector-borne diseases including malaria and dengue fever and as well food-borne infections. To avoid infections, individuals must keep their living space clean and the most important thing is to keep kitchens in ideal hygienic conditions.

Many health experts are of the view that heavy rainfall cannot be termed as the sole culprit in the spread of a number of infections, instead it is lack of awareness among public that causes greater damage every year. In monsoon, only good hygienic conditions can safeguard one from infections mainly caused by contaminated water and foodstuff. It is important that the consumption of contaminated water and foodstuff may cause cholera, an infection in the small intestine caused by bacterium vibrio cholera. Its main symptoms are watery diarrhoea and vomiting that can lead to rapid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, and death in some cases.

Cholera and like infections can be avoided by using water for drinking purposes after boiling while vegetables and fruits must not be consumed without washing with clean water. Experts say that individuals should not eat raw vegetables in the existing weather conditions instead these should be used after proper washing with safe drinking water. It is also important that heavy rainfall and water accumulation may contaminate water at sources and there may be chances of contamination of water at tube wells so individuals must boil water before drinking to avoid health hazards. In case, water accumulates inside home due to heavy rainfall and flooding out of water from sewage lines, it must be wiped out immediately and the space should be washed with clean water as soon as possible to avoid infections.