Wednesday July 03, 2024

Golden chance

By News Desk
July 02, 2024
Golden chance

This refers to the letter ‘Reko Diq: our gold mine’ (June 29, 2024) by Fariha Shah. The writer has touched upon a very critical issue of national interest. The entire area of Reko Diq in Balochistan comprises around 13000 square km and has gold and copper reserves valued at trillions of dollars or more, to my knowledge.

Pakistan’s current foreign loans add up to more than 100 billion dollars. It is a pity that those involved have mismanaged the state’s affairs so terribly. The careless decisions of the current and previous regimes have badly weakened the country’s economy. The incumbent government needs to look into this critical issue so that the ultimate beneficiaries of any mines on our soil are the country and its people.

Engr Asim Nawab
