Monday July 01, 2024

Education ministry partners with CERP to enhance teaching quality

June 29, 2024
Representational image of a teacher at her classroom teaching students. — The News File/Iqra Sarfaraz
Representational image of a teacher at her classroom teaching students. — The News File/Iqra Sarfaraz

Islamabad: Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training has collaborated with Certified Enterprise Risk Professional (CERP) to fulfil the goals of the National Institute of Excellence in Teacher Education (NIETE) programme and to address the urgent need for high-quality teachers’ training and development in Pakistan.

The signing ceremony in that regard was attended by the Federal Minister Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui and Federal Secretary Mohyuddin Ahmad Wani, held here Friday. As per the collaboration, NIETE aims to uplift teaching standards through rigorous training programs that utilise technology and modern pedagogical methods.

This partnership will also help mitigate educational disparities and resource constraints, ultimately enhancing educational outcomes. The programme focuses on integrating digital literacy, retraining teachers, and improving the quality of learning through digital infrastructure and innovative technologies.

CERP, with its distinguished expertise in conducting impartial evaluations, will measure and validate the benefits of the project to both teachers and students. Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training Dr Khalid Maqbool said, “Education plays a formative role in adding value to Pakistan’s human capital development.

It starts with not only bringing more children into the classroom but ensuring that once they get there, the quality of education is of a high standard.” “Our collaboration with CERP to evaluate the NIETE programme underscores our commitment to uplift teacher training standards, ultimately leading to well-educated children throughout the country,” he added.

He further said that the National Digital and Innovation in Education Strategy (NDIES) framework will guide the NIETE program, emphasising both distance and in-school learning. “It is critical that our training initiatives are effective, scaleable and ultimately successful in achieving our goals.