Saturday June 29, 2024

‘Food fortification is crucial’

June 27, 2024
Flat-lay photography of vegetable salad on the plate.— Pexels/File
Flat-lay photography of vegetable salad on the plate.— Pexels/File

LAHORE: A delegation from the Nutrition International visited the headquarters of the Punjab Food Authority to discuss food fortification initiatives with Asim Javaid, Director General of the authority, here on Wednesday.

Kristen Hall, Global Director of Food Fortification at Nutrition International, emphasised the critical importance of incorporating essential vitamins and minerals into daily diets. ‘Food fortification is crucial and legislation should mandate inclusion of vitamins and minerals such as wheat flour, oil, ghee, and salt,’ stated Asim Javaid.

‘There is a lack of awareness among the general public about quantity and quality of food they should consume,’ added Javaid, stressing the authority’s role in ensuring food safety checks across Punjab.

The Punjab Food Authority is actively engaged in numerous nutrition enhancement projects focusing on human and food nutrition, aligned with the vision of the Punjab chief minister to educate the public about nutrition-rich diets, the DG added. ‘We commend the efforts of the Punjab Food Authority in promoting food nutrition awareness among the populace,’ said Kristen Hall, acknowledging the authority’s prominent status among all food authorities in Pakistan.

The Nutrition International plans to collaborate with the Punjab Food Authority on food fortification initiatives, promising full support in legislative efforts related to food fortification to combat vitamin and mineral deficiencies. ‘Daily diets fortified with vitamins and minerals are essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being,’ concluded Kristen Hall, highlighting the transformative potential of food fortification in promoting a healthy lifestyle.