Saturday June 29, 2024

Soaring temperatures: Coordinated efforts stressed to meet challenges

By Our Correspondent
June 27, 2024
A representational image showing an official standing in the scorching sun during a heatwave. — AFP/File
A representational image showing an official standing in the scorching sun during a heatwave. — AFP/File

MANSEHRA: The scientists and environmentalists on Wednesday urged the United Nations to force the developed countries to initiate coordinated efforts to deal effectively with soaring temperatures around the world.

“We (Pakistan) stand among countries with a meagre carbon emission. However, we are worst affected by climate changes taking place around the world,” Dr Mohsan Nawaz, the vice-Chancellor of Hazara University, told the inaugural session of a one-day seminar here.

The scientists and environmentalists from parts of the country attended the seminar titled, “The Urgency of Climate Change Education Conference.”The environmentalists and educationists from different varsities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa presented their research papers at the conference stressing more efforts to bring soaring temperatures down.

“The people of third world countries, like ours, are worst affected by climate change,” Dr Mohsin said. He said that such conferences were crucial in the current scenario where glaciers were rapidly melting owing to high temperatures.

“The flash floods caused by abrupt rains affected mountainous parts of our country,” Dr Mohsin said.He said that suggestions and way-out floated here at this conference by the environmentalists to deal with climate changes is highly beneficial,” the vice- chancellor said.

The conference, which the HU organised in collaboration with national and international nongovernmental organisations and research institutions, lauded the efforts of environmental agencies to effectively deal with weather changes in the country.The environmentalists and scientists including Dr Wajihah Rizwan, Dr Mahrukh, Dr Ambreen, Zainab Waseem and Dr Asif Javed also addressed the conference.