Friday June 28, 2024

130 Afghan journalists receive story pitching training

By Bureau report
June 23, 2024
This representational image shows Afghan journalists preparing to cover an event in Afghanistan. — AFP/File
This representational image shows Afghan journalists preparing to cover an event in Afghanistan. — AFP/File

PESHAWAR: A total of 130 Afghan journalists received training in story pitching and freelance journalism.

The training workshop was organised for Afghan journalists living in exile across Pakistan.

The initiative was a collaborative effort between Journalists for Human Rights (Canada) and Karpohan Organisation, which was conducted online and hosted separately at the National Press Club Islamabad and Peshawar.

Senior journalist and trainer Zahir Shah Shirazi led the training sessions, providing in-depth insights into effective story pitching techniques.

Afghan journalists were taught how to develop compelling story ideas and pitch them to both local and international media outlets.

The training session saw participation from over 130 male and female Afghan journalists. The event emphasised practical approaches to effective story pitching, detailing the essential characteristics and priorities that resonate with media networks globally.

In addition to story pitching, Zahir Shah Shirazi also covered key aspects of freelance journalism.

He detailed strategies and procedures crucial for succeeding as a freelance journalist, offering participants valuable knowledge that can help them navigate their careers amidst challenging circumstances.

Qamar Yousafzai, the central president of the Pak-Afghan Journalists Forum, attended the training as an observer.

He discussed the significance of the online training for Afghan journalists in Pakistan, highlighting its role in enhancing their understanding of modern journalistic practices and freelance journalism.

Shirazi highlighted that the training was part of a broader initiative supported by Journalists for Human Rights (Canada) and

Karpohan Organisation, aimed at enhancing the skills of young journalists and showcasing their journalistic talents.

He also stated that future training sessions would focus on digital media platforms and other effective media techniques tailored to the needs of Afghan journalists, ensuring their skill enhancement across various sectors.