Thursday June 27, 2024

Le Pen’s National Rally seen leading vote in French snap elections: polls

By Reuters
June 21, 2024
French far-right leader and French far-right National Rally Marine Le Pen party candidate in the upcoming parliamentary elections at a market in Henin-Beaumont, northern France, June 14, 2024. — Reuters
French far-right leader and French far-right National Rally Marine Le Pen party candidate in the upcoming parliamentary elections at a market in Henin-Beaumont, northern France, June 14, 2024. — Reuters

PARIS: Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally is seen leading the race ahead of France’s parliamentary elections, three polls showed on Thursday, ahead of the leftwing Popular Front and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrists.

Pollster IFOP in a survey for broadcasting group TF1 and Le Figaro said the National Rally (RN) would secure 34 percent of the vote, while the Popular Front would reach 29 percent and Macron’s Together bloc would get 22 percent.

Another poll by Harris Interactive - conducted for RTL radio, M6 TV and Challenges Magazine - put the RN at 33 percent, while the left was seen at 26 percent and Macron’s camp at 21 percent.

A third poll published on Thursday, by OpinionWay on behalf of CNews TV, Europe 1 radio and the Journal du Dimanche paper, also put the RN in the lead with 35 percent of the votes.