Saturday September 07, 2024

IT exporters demand govt reconsider budget

By Jawwad Rizvi
June 15, 2024
This photo shows freelancers working in their office. — AFP/File
This photo shows freelancers working in their office. — AFP/File

LAHORE: Pakistan’s IT industry has expressed dismay over IT sector-related announcements in the financial bill, urging authorities to reconsider the budget.

Although IT exporters have appreciated the government’s allocation of Rs79 billion for IT parks, digital transformation, and IT automation across the country and see this as a good move for the local economy, they suggest that the government should allocate funds for the promotion of IT exports on priority.

IT professionals say that the sector has the potential to earn foreign exchange in billions for the country without huge investments.IT exporter Saad Shah says that the federal government should allocate a decent amount for promoting IT education across the country at a comprehensive level.

This, according to Saad, will prepare a human resource which can duly meet the requirement of the local industry for IT projects within the country and exporting countries.

He adds that IT companies in Pakistan lack highly skilled human resources to expand their operations in foreign countries. “Foreign companies are hiring a number of qualified and experienced professionals.

Hence, precious human capital is being transferred to different countries in search of better career opportunities and better living standards.”He also mentions that while IT exports cannot only help the country avoid its financial crisis, including current account and debt repayment, they have the potential to provide jobs to millions of young people with decent living incomes and reduce poverty across the country.

Per Chairperson of P@SHA Zohaib Khan: Rs10 billion must be allocated to the federal budget to produce hundreds of IT professionals through skill development programmes, including upskilling IT professionals with emerging technologies through bootcamps in different companies and universities.