Monday March 24, 2025

Population myth

By News Desk
June 01, 2024
Population myth

For some years, some intellectuals of the country have been emphasizing the need for family planning through the state machinery, arguing that the country’s population is increasing uncontrollably and that soon there won’t be enough resources to go around. Pakistan’s TFR in 1951 was 6.8, with a population of 33.7 million in West Pakistan. Due to the high TFR, the population nearly doubled in 1971.

Now, we number 241.4 million as of the 2023 census. The estimated fertility rate is 3.47 as of 2021 and is expected to decline. As of now, we can infer that our population will not double anywhere near as quickly as it did between the 1950s and 70s. Meanwhile, experts estimate that the country’s GDP will reach $3.3 trillion by 2050. There is a need to diffuse the negativity and hope for a better Pakistan.

Tufail Ahmed Kandhro
