Saturday July 06, 2024

Balochistan journalists to protest press club lockdown

Concern was expressed over the raid on the Press Club by district administration and police and shutting down of the Club

By News Desk
May 20, 2024
The image shows Quetta Press Club in the capital of Pakistans Balochistan province. — Facebook/Quetta Press Club/File
The image shows Quetta Press Club in the capital of Pakistan's Balochistan province. — Facebook/Quetta Press Club/File

QUETTA: Balochistan Union of Journalists (BUJ) Sunday decided to start a nationwide protest movement against the locking down of Quetta Press Club. The decision was taken at a joint meeting of BUJ and senior journalists, including executive members of the Quetta Press Club. President Press Club Abdul Khaliq Rind and President BUJ Khalil Ahmad presided over the meeting held at the Press Club.

Concern was expressed over the raid on the Press Club by district administration and police and shutting down of the Club. The senior journalists of the province described locking down of Press Club as an extreme measure to prevent the journalists from carrying out their professional obligations. In the first phase of protest movement, there will be a walkout from Balochistan Assembly on Monday and a protest demonstration outside the Assembly.

A nationwide movement will be started observing Black Day on May 21 if demands are not met. On the call of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists, protests will be launched at all the press clubs in the country. Black flags will be hoisted at the press clubs to register protest against the Balochistan Government.