President Xi reiterated China’s commitment at numerous forums and meetings, such as the UN, especially the General Assembly 75th session, G-20, ASEAN, and the 3rd BRI Forum. He urged everyone to participate in global development and work for common prosperity. He also reiterated this message at the Boao Forum for Asia.
Simultaneously, China is strengthening bilateral cooperation for economic growth and development. China is assisting Africa, Asia, and Latin America in realizing the dream of development, and is investing to create decent livelihoods. However, it is pertinent to mention here that China is extending economic cooperation without any strings of governance, human rights or so-called democracy. China is following the social and development models of host countries. It is one of the key principles of GSI. As President Xi said, “Respect the independent choices of development paths and social systems made by people in different countries.”
Apart from economic growth opportunities, China has also launched different development programs. First, President Xi launched Six-100 programs to share their experience in tackling development challenges. The program focuses on six areas: 1) Poverty Alleviation, 2) Ecological Protection and Tackling Climate Change, 3) Education and Training, 4) Agro-cooperation, 5) Aid for Trade, and 6) Medical Facilities. It was launched under the auspices of South-South Cooperation. President Xi also launched different initiatives under the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, including the SCO Technology platform and trade facilitation.
However, the biggest initiative for development and fulfilling the requirements of a responsible power is the Global Development Initiative.
Second, China is making efforts to resolve conflicts peacefully. China is applying the principles of dialogue, development and non-interference policy. It is putting efforts into making sure that dialogue and development are walking hand-in-hand, and there should be no interference in the internal matters of countries. The policy is working, and the KSA-Iran agreement is one of the most prominent success stories on this front. The KSA-Iran agreement has been a big event in recent history, considering KSA-Iran importance in the region and among Muslims. It is hoped that it will lead to de-escalation in the region and pave the way for sustainable peace. On the other hand, it will also contribute to defuse the sectarian divide among Muslims, which is direly needed. Unfortunately, the USA does not like the rapprochement between KSA, and Iran and is putting efforts into reversing the process. Experts consider it a blatant effort to fan differences, which is against international norms, values, laws and basic human rights.
Fortunately, KSA and Iran are not listening to external voices, and are putting effort into making the initiative successful. Foreign Ministers of both countries have already met. King Salman and President Ebrahim have invited each other to visit their country. The Iranian President also visited Saudi Arabia to attend the summit on Palestine. Both countries are expected to devise a formula for peaceful co-existence, which can help them pursue the dream of peace and prosperity for their people and region.
It is an excellent example to explain the philosophy of GSI. China encouraged both countries to engage in dialogue and supported the process by extending economic and development cooperation. China worked behind the scenes, and applied tools of low-profile and objective-oriented diplomacy. China avoided pump-and-show. However, China made sure that there should be no interference in the internal matters of both countries and let them negotiate according to their own circumstances.
Third, China is applying the same formula to resolve Russia-Ukraine. The Peace Plan by China is a comprehensive proposal that covers all important areas. It asks both parties to respect each other’s sovereignty, and work for the betterment of people. It also emphasizes building a security framework, which must be representative of the needs of all concerned parties. As, it was mentioned in the second point of the peace plan, “All parties should, following the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security and bearing in mind the long-term peace and stability of the world, help forge a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture.” Further, efforts must be put forward to oppose military blocs and confrontation.
Fourth, China is not only advocating the GSI or its philosophy to others, but it is also applying the same philosophy to the resolution of bilateral disputes. For example, China has a dispute with India over the border, and India has refused to join the Belt and Road Initiative. Despite the dispute and differences, China is deeply engaged with India, and bilateral trade between China and India was more than $125 billion in 2022. Chinese companies are also investing in India. Here, China is working on the transformation of relationships, which is the cornerstone of Chinese international relations philosophy.
Fifth, China is applying the same philosophy to resolve the differences over the South China Sea. South China Sea is one of the major and important trade routes, with an annual trade flow of $3.4 trillion. Hence, it is in the interest of all parties to keep the Sea safe and peaceful. Thus, China is working with neighbors to develop a code of conduct. They are negotiating a deal that should be fair, actionable and sustainable. Since the launch of GSI, China has expedited efforts to resolve the differences by keeping common interests at the heart of negotiations. Despite the interference of international powers, China is showing patience. China understands that war will not help to resolve the issues, but dialogue and development will deliver peace.
Thus, it can be said that President Xi has proposed an initiative that has solutions for numerous issues and ensures sustainable peace. The successful execution of the idea of GSI can contribute to addressing the challenges and controlling or solving the conflicts. It is also expected that the implementation of GSI will help to steer the world towards the goal of a community with a shared future. Let’s hope countries compete among themselves to champion the cause of the betterment of humanity, not against each other to secure hegemonic power.
In conclusion, on the basis of the above discussion, it can be inferred that GSI is delivering on the promises of common, comprehensive, coordinated, and sustainable security, which is a good omen for the fractured global system and world. Therefore, the world is pinning high hopes on GSI, and expects that it will pave the way for sustainable peace and development.
In a nutshell, China wants to create a secure environment at all levels. It is part of a broader vision of the peaceful rise of China. It is also part of the national rejuvenation of China, and reclaims its rightful position on the global stage without creating conflicts. China is committed to this vision. Despite all the provocations like Hong Kong, Taiwan and the South China Sea, China remained calm and did not indulge in any conflict. Lastly, one of the key objectives of China’s second-centenary goal is to present and behave like a non-coercive major power. Besides, it will contribute to materialize mankind’s dream of a shared future.