Saturday June 29, 2024

‘Foolproof security ensured at churches, parks’

By Our Correspondent
April 15, 2024
Punjab police personnel stand guard in the city on October 3, 2023. — Facebook/DIG Ops Lahore Police
Punjab police personnel stand guard in the city on October 3, 2023. — Facebook/DIG Ops Lahore Police  

LAHORE: Lahore police deployed full-scale security arrangements on Sunday at the city’s churches, parks, and recreational places.

Teams of Lahore police executed high alert operations to ensure security duties across the city. This was stated by Lahore Capital City Police Officer Bilal Siddique Kamyana in a statement issued here. He said that Lahore police ensured foolproof security of religious gatherings at Christian places of worship, parks, and recreational places on Sunday.

Search and sweep operations continued around churches, parks, and sensitive locations. Supervisory officers monitored security arrangements at churches and recreational places. Bilal Siddique Kamyana said that additional personnel and snipers were deployed at sensitive churches, while Dolphin Squads, Police Response Unit, and Elite Forces patrolled effectively around churches and parks.

Traffic police ensured smooth traffic flow around churches and recreational areas. Bilal Siddique Kamyana also highlighted the stringent checking of individuals and vehicles at entry and exit checkpoints in the city. Police officers and Jawans remained on high alert on their security duty, he concluded.