Wednesday September 18, 2024

Elusive harmony

By News Desk
March 25, 2024
Elusive harmony

This refers to the letter ‘One family under the sun’ (March 22, 2024) by Gulsher Panhwer. I join the writer in hoping for religious harmony in Thar and throughout Pakistan and the South Asia region as a whole. It is worth noting that the Hindu majoritarianism that the founders of Pakistan feared and foresaw has now come to fruition in India. We should be thankful that we have Pakistan, pitiable as its condition may be, and we must strive to do our best to save it. Ideally, regional peace and harmony between different faiths and other groups would prevail in South Asia. However, this is not possible without equality, tolerance, and acceptance between all countries in the region.

Ilyas M B Khan
