Saturday June 29, 2024

More buses, please

By News Desk
March 23, 2024
More buses, please

In Karachi, red buses have resolved the critical issue of the shortage of public transportation to some extent. However, the comfortable travel experience offered by these buses has led to a surge in passengers, particularly during office hours, causing significant inconvenience, especially for women. With waiting times averaging 20 to 30 minutes at pickup points, commuters are frustrated by the lack of available transport options.

A September 2023 report by the World Bank also highlights the gravity of the situation, pointing out a staggering shortage of 13,000 buses in Karachi. Despite efforts by the caretaker Sindh government to address the issue by adding 200 buses in December 2023, there remains a glaring deficit of 12,800 buses. The Sindh government should take notice of this urgent matter and swiftly increase the number of buses to improve public transportation accessibility.

Saleem Ullah
