Monday September 16, 2024

NICVD’s chest pain units saved 30,000 lives in seven years, says Baqar

By M. Waqar Bhatti
February 04, 2024

Sindh caretaker chief minister Justice (retd) Maqbool Baqar on Saturday said that due to easy access to emergency care and quick response, the chest pain units (CPUs) of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD) entertained more than 1.2 million people in seven years and saved over 30,000 lives.

Sindh caretaker chief minister Justice (retd) Maqbool Baqar inaugurating chest pain units (CPUs) of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD) at the Sindh High Court Bar Association (SHCBA), Karachi on Feb 3.2024.  — Facebook/ SindhCMHouse
Sindh caretaker chief minister Justice (retd) Maqbool Baqar inaugurating chest pain units (CPUs) of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD) at the Sindh High Court Bar Association (SHCBA), Karachi on Feb 3.2024.  — Facebook/ SindhCMHouse

“Due to their success and appreciation for them, their demand has grown, and we are planning to establish more units in different areas of Karachi and other parts of the province,” Baqar said after inaugurating the 28th CPU of the NICVD at the Sindh High Court Bar Association (SHCBA), Karachi.

The programme was attended by Chief Justice of the SHC Justice Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi, other judges of the high court, interim law minister Omar Soomro, Health Secretary Dr Mansoor Rajput, NICVD Executive Director Dr Tahir Saghir, SHCBA office-bearers, and leading lawyers and doctors.

The caretaker CM said that it is our collective journey towards improved health care. “The establishment of a new CPU at the SHC is not just a momentous occasion; it is a testament to our unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of the people of Sindh,” he pointed out.

“We have gathered here not only to mark the opening of this unit but also to celebrate the strides we have taken in expanding access to quality cardiac care across the Sindh province.”

He remarked that cardiovascular diseases continue to be a significant health challenge globally, and Pakistan is no exception. Initiatives like these CPUs play a pivotal role in addressing this challenge by providing timely and efficient care to those experiencing chest pains, often a critical indicator of heart-related issues, he added.

“With the inauguration of this 28th unit, we are not only expanding our healthcare infrastructure but also reinforcing our dedication to saving lives and ensuring a healthier future for our citizens.”

Baqar said that the CPUs, which were launched in May 2017, offer speedy access and fast diagnosis, with early initiation of treatment of an acute myocardial infarction or heart attack, which prevents muscle damage and ultimately enhances the quality of life of the patient.

He said that this programme also educates the public to promptly seek medical care if they have symptoms of heart attack, such as chest pain, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, syncope and risk factors for coronary artery disease, particularly smoking.

He also said that the CPUs are well-equipped facilities, and have the appropriate diagnostic testing available to identify patients with an acute heart attack, while they are also equipped to resuscitate patients who become unstable.

He added that the CPUs are functionally designed to provide preliminary emergency care to heart patients. “After providing initial treatment, the patient will be shifted immediately to the tertiary care set up at the NICVD cath lab [catheterisation laboratory].”

According to the interim CM, for most people it takes a lot of time to reach the NICVD, mainly during rush hours, and many lives are lost on the way, as many patients with cardiac arrest require quick response, and their lives can be saved with emergency care.

He said that a minor delay can cost them their lives. Due to easy access to emergency care and quick response, these units entertained over 1.2 million people in seven years and saved more than 30,000 lives, he added.

He commended the NICVD for their relentless efforts in spearheading this initiative. “The consistent expansion of CPUs across Sindh showcases a commitment to making quality healthcare accessible to all, regardless of geographical constraints.”

The caretaker chief executive said that these units not only serve as hubs for immediate cardiac care but also act as beacons of hope and reassurance for our communities.

“As we inaugurate this CPU today, let us not only celebrate the bricks and mortar but also acknowledge the healthcare professionals, support staff and all those behind the scenes who work tirelessly to make these units functional and effective.”

He pointed out that their dedication is instrumental in ensuring that these facilities not only exist but also serve their purpose to the highest standards. He urged everyone present there to spread awareness about the importance of cardiovascular health. He said that early detection and timely intervention can make a substantial difference in the outcomes of cardiac conditions.

He invited everyone to work together to educate our communities, encourage healthy lifestyles and empower individuals to take charge of their heart health. Earlier, Baqar had inaugurated the CPU, along with Justice Abbasi.