Thursday June 27, 2024

24 terrorists killed in three-day Balochistan action: ISPR

A total of 24 terrorists have been gunned down during the three-day operation

By Muhammad Anis
February 03, 2024
Pakistan Army Soldiers can be seen in this image. — AFP/File
Pakistan Army Soldiers can be seen in this image. — AFP/File

RAWALPINDI: Security forces killed 24 terrorists during a clearance operation which was completed on Friday following attacks on Mach and Kolpur Complexes in Balochistan.

On the night of January 29 and 30, terrorists attacked Mach and Kolpur Complexes which was repulsed.

“The terrorists were then hunted down in the ensuing sanitisation and clearance operations which have now been concluded after clearing and securing the area,” Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement on Friday.

A total of 24 terrorists have been gunned down during the three-day operation.

Shehzad Baloch, Attaullah, Salahuddin, Abdul Wadood and Zeeshan are key terrorists among the dead. The identification process of the remaining terrorists is in process.

However, during an intense exchange of fire, four LEAs members along with civilians were martyred.