Saturday September 07, 2024

DPO says actions by police curbed crimes in Shangla

By Anwar Hussain
January 04, 2024

ALPURI: District Police Officer Sajjad Ahmad Sahibzada has said that the force played a role in curbing crimes including taking actions against narcotics sale in the year 2023.

“Besides this, the Shangla police ensured provision of a favourable environment to the tourists in summer and winter, a role which has won appreciation from the public,” he said while talking to this scribe. The DPO said the law and order situation has improved due to the public cooperation. “This cooperation proves that the people have trust in the force,” he added.

SHO Chanjal police station Gul Rehman Qureshi along with the team in the search operation in Battagram on January 2, 2024. — Facebook/KPK Police
SHO Chanjal police station Gul Rehman Qureshi along with the team in the search operation in Battagram on January 2, 2024. — Facebook/KPK Police

Sajjad Ahmad Sahibzada divulged the details of the actions taken by the district police to fight crimes.

Citing one example, he said as many as 630 cases were registered against narcotics peddlers since January, last year. Hashish, opium and heroin were recovered from the accused. Those nominated in the cases were made accountable to the law of the land.

The DPO said arms and ammunition were seized in various actions which included pistols, guns, and cartridges, etc. Sajjad Ahmad Sahibzada said the district police, while acting on the National Plan of Action, carried out 1130 search and strike operations and arrested 4658 suspects.

He said the district police also facilitated people by issuing them driving licenses whose tally stood at 4378.