Saturday March 22, 2025

Looking back

By News Desk
January 03, 2024

The previous year was quite challenging for Pakistan as it faced a series of crises. We watched an unnecessary delay in elections. Thankfully, the apex court appears to have ensured there will be no further delays, ordering the ECP to issue the election schedule for the February 8 polls. While it was a painful year, economically speaking, the country managed to avoid default as a deal with the IMF finally came through last July. However, economic stability remains elusive, with inflation at record levels and more IMF loans in the offing. Political instability and polarization also ran high in 2023, and the country ended the year under the incumbent caretaker setup, which appears to have unprecedented powers.

Looking back

That former PM Imran Khan and other PTI members and supporters would end the year in jail while another, convicted former PM would return and, seemingly, be handed a clean slate came as a shock. Now that elections are almost here, I believe that the parties have not been given a level playing field. All this being said, the people still have high hopes for their country and I think that Pakistan has much to look forward to. The responsibility lies with the state institutions to meet our expectations and address the prevailing crises.

Ali Muhammad Khan
