Saturday September 14, 2024

Anti-smog measures: Punjab plans another spell of artificial rainfall

By Our Correspondent
January 03, 2024

LAHORE : To bring further reduction in smog levels, the Punjab government has planned to employee another spell of artificial rainfall in the present month.

Motorists drive slowly on a wet road on a rainy morning as Islamabad receives a sudden downpour signalling a refreshing change in weather after the prolonged dry spell.—ONLINE/File
Motorists drive slowly on a wet road on a rainy morning as Islamabad receives a sudden downpour signalling a refreshing change in weather after the prolonged dry spell.—ONLINE/File

Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi expressed these views while meeting Ahmed Al-Kamal, head of the cloud-seeding team from the United Arab Emirates' meteorology department, chief pilot Michael Anstis and pilot Col Ubaid at his office on Tuesday.

The chief minister thanked the team members for their endeavours to induce artificial rainfall to reduce smog and expressed gratitude for the UAE's cooperation, acknowledging it as the first-ever successful attempt at artificial rainfall in Lahore's history.

Mohsin Naqvi stated that the Punjab government appreciated the collaboration with the UAE, and reiterated the need for artificial rainfall to combat smog. He assured that further efforts would be made to induce artificial rainfall, once again, when the required atmospheric conditions are met, with the assistance of the UAE team.

Highlighting the success of the first-ever artificial rainfall in City, the CM mentioned that air quality levels remained below 200 for several days. He expressed hope that, with suitable atmospheric conditions in January, artificial rainfall could once again be employed to bring further reduction in smog levels.

The chief minister commended the UAE's team for their dedication and emphasised that the people would not forget the UAE efforts in this crucial initiative.

The successful artificial rainfall operation in City now stands as a significant milestone in the history of weather modification, he added. Acknowledging the unparalleled cooperation from the leadership of the United Arab Emirates, Mohsin Naqvi thanked Ahmed Al-Kamal and his team members. Al-Kamal expressed optimism for another successful artificial rainfall experiment in January, and expressed gratitude for the warm hospitality in Lahore, stating that Pakistan is their second home.

Inspects new Ravi bridge

The chief minister inspected the ongoing development work of the 540-meter-long four-lane new Ravi Bridge.

While observing advancements in piling and drilling works of the new Ravi bridge, he ordered burning the midnight oil to complete it by January 31. The CM also inspected the roads' construction around Shahdara Chowk and directed to accelerate the pace of work to complete different tasks in the coming days.

PIC emergency block to open soon

The ground floor of the Punjab Institute of Cardiology's emergency block will be opened for patients soon, offering advanced cardiac care, as 99 percent upgradation work was completed due to the continuous monitoring and inspections of the chief minister.

The chief minister visited PIC's emergency to inspect the finishing work. He ordered enhancing the quality of doors, and flooring, especially tiles, and railings, and emphasised the need to ensure high standards for beds.

The CM also directed the swift initiation of a lab collection centre near the main gate and urged for the completion of the finishing work with the highest standards.